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Developed Widgets › Edit Blidget: The Art of Conversation. Dashboard : My Daily Digest. Just What is a Social Media Consultant Anyway? : Business Blog C. Toby Bloomberg used to be . Now, she refers to herself as a . Just for fun, I asked Toby what that was and here’s her reply. My off the cuff answer would be – to help clients maneuver their way through the blogoshpere mitigating risk .. in other words helping them avoid the land mines. (Social media is the only strategy I know that has its roots in a culture; and the culture self-corrects if people color outside the accepted lines.) That begins with developing a strategy and setting goals. (secondary and primary), advertising (on blogs and in RSS feeds). Sure you can launch a blog without a strategy or the help of a ‘social media consultant’ but I would caution people who think that social media is a just a nifty, new type of a website .. they are missing the larger picture and the more significant long-range benefits.

Wow! I’ve asked a couple of other consultants to speak to this issue, and will post their replies later on. Blog cleanup checklist | cre8d design: blog designer. If you’ve been running your blog for a while and done a tonne of modifications to your template (e.g. third-party ad code is often dodgy) or even if you’ve just redesigned (as I will often do with my personal blog) it’s worthwhile to do a bit of a spring clean every so often. This list is also a reminder for me, as I haven’t completed all these things yet. I haven’t included a list of all the reasons why these things are important but in short: you’re making your blog more accessible, flexible and user-friendly. Validate your home page template, your blog post templates and your CSS files - Type in your blog’s URL and click check. Reduce those errors down to 0.Once validated, check your blog in multiple browsers, especially: IE 6, Firefox and Safari.

IE 5 is good too. If you’re on a PC, you can still see what your blog will look like in Safari thanks to SafariTest Iron out any bugs.Increase the font size in your browser settings for both IE and Firefox. Trends for "twitter", "friendfeed" and &quot.