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Creative Strategies. Teamwork. Innovation. Productivity Apps. PM Tools & Strategies. Increasing Productivity. Take Responsibility. EdCast Leadership. Why Measurement Improves Performance — Life Learning. Why Measurement Improves Performance In a recent seminar I watched, Brian Tracy said: “ there’s a rule in psychology,the more you focus on a particular number the more that number improves.” If it’s revenue it growsIf it’s weight you lose itIf it’s how fast you run the mile, you’ll run it faster. This is one of the many things that business school fails to teach you about running a business. When our team got into a habit of religiously measuring our metrics, we made a gargantuan leap in a really short amount of time. When we stopped things fell apart. Needless to say, we’re now quite religious about looking at our metrics every week.

Heightened Awareness Why does this work? If you’re aware of your weight every single day, you’re more likely to be motivated to do something if it’s not to your liking.If you’re aware of where you are in relation to your revenue goals for a company, you’re more likely to do something about it.The same goes for nearly every other metric in our lives. From A to Z Improve Your Learning Infographic. Other Infographics Here are 26 Ways to improve your learning! Via: Embed This Education Infographic on your Site or Blog!

Copy and Paste the following code! <a href=" title="From A to Z Improve Your Learning Infographic"><img width="720" height="2160" src=" class="attachment-progression-single-uncropped wp-post-image" alt="Improve-Your-Learning-From-A-to-Z"/></a><br/><small>Find more <a href=" title="The No.1 Source for the Best Education Infographics">education infographics</a> on e-Learning Infographics</small> Leadership Skills. Future Work. The Principles Of Life That Everyone Knows, But Only A Few Follow – The Mission – Medium. Early 2015 I was pretty frustrated with my career. Just a year earlier I said goodbye to my entrepreneurial aspirations and took a job at an IT-research firm in London.

Normally, that’s a good thing. The pay was good, so were the benefits, and I had great colleagues. But it wasn’t for me — I felt like I gave up entrepreneurship. And on top of that, my personal life wasn’t great either. My girlfriend and I decided to end our relationship. And in that same week, my grandmother, who I loved dearly, passed away suddenly. I felt a lot of things. What is life? For the first time in my life, I started looking for answers because I was tired of just living/existing without purpose. When I went back to Holland for the funeral, I also caught up with one of my mentors. I told him the whole story, and he said: “Even though there’s no right or wrong way to live your life, there are certain universal principles that lead to a happy, wealthy, and healthy life.”

Naturally, I asked him, “what principles?” 2.