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8 must-read tips on making Facebook posts super effective. Les critères d’un contenu facebookable. Crédit: Flickr/CC/dkalo Il y a les titres «Google friendly».

Les critères d’un contenu facebookable

Maintenant, il y a les contenus «facebookables». Encore un mot anglais que j’aurais pu ajouter au jargon des journalistes en ligne. SPJ Works » Blog Archive » Big hashtags for journalists. Twitter is an exciting place for new and seasoned journalism professionals to come together and share ideas and opportunities.

SPJ Works » Blog Archive » Big hashtags for journalists

One key to optimizing your Twitter experience is to take advantage of its hashtag resource, which links related topics together with a simple # at the beginning of a word, acronym or phrase. Over the past few weeks, I’ve researched some of the most frequently used journalism-related hashtags and their benefits.