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Regular Cleaning Protects You from Disease. Non-Toxic Products: 3 Baby Steps You and I Can Do. How to Clean Gutters. "There is more to life than increasing its speed.

How to Clean Gutters

" -- Mohandas Gandhi "This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need forComplicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the Philosophy is kindness. " --- Dalai Lama "This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Discover the Advantages of Professional Cleaning Services. Housekeeping Services: Giving More Time for You. How to Clean and Sanitize Different Areas at Home. As the coronavirus continues to affect our country, maintaining good hygiene at home is one of the ways to key the virus at bay.

How to Clean and Sanitize Different Areas at Home

To help protect yourself and your family from the virus, we’re sharing a few tips for cleaning different areas around your home: Cleaning soft surfaces in your living room Follow these steps when cleaning soft surfaces, like sofas, drapes, carpets, and rugs: Use soap and water to clean the surface area.After pre-cleaning, wash the items as stated in the manufacturer’s instruction.You may use disinfectants that are suitable for porous items.Dry the items properly. Gutter Cleaning Faqs.

How do gutters get clogged?

Gutter Cleaning Faqs

Debris which lands on the roof may accumulate in gutters, eventually obstructing water drainage. Leaves are a major source of debris, as well as pine needles, seeds, and small branches. If birds perch on the roof, then their dung may add to the accumulated debris. Why should I clean my gutters? Gutters play a vital role in the maintenance and protection of your home. The Perks of Green Cleaning. "There is more to life than increasing its speed.

The Perks of Green Cleaning

" -- Mohandas Gandhi "This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need forComplicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the Philosophy is kindness. " --- Dalai Lama "This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Top 6 Tips to Keep in Mind While Cleaning Your Window. "There is more to life than increasing its speed.

Top 6 Tips to Keep in Mind While Cleaning Your Window

" -- Mohandas Gandhi "This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need forComplicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the Philosophy is kindness. " --- Dalai Lama "This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. The Healthy (and Cheap) Way to Clean Glass. It’s the quintessential housecleaning conundrum: no one likes cleaning windows, but everyone wants to see through them.

The Healthy (and Cheap) Way to Clean Glass

Here’s a little secret: good old fashioned vinegar gets your glass squeaky clean. Vinegar works well, is cheaper, and is not toxic. The first clue is that it’s not the color of a blue slushy. Once you try cleaning your glass windows with vinegar, we promise you’ll never go back to Windex. The Recipe. Hello Spring, Goodbye Mold. The end of rainy season is a great time to purge your house of the scourge of mold.

Hello Spring, Goodbye Mold

The wetness, closed windows and general ennui of winter let mold spores thrive, so it’s not surprising if your home is smelling a little bit musty by this time of year. Mold is gross, it’s a potent allergen, and it can also be dangerous. We’ve all heard of black mold and how invasive and indestructible it can be. The goods news? Unclog Your Drain the Green Way. We do our best to eat organic, never litter, and to clean our house in an environmentally friendly way.

Unclog Your Drain the Green Way

But when it comes to a frustrating (and disgusting) clogged drain, our green values sometimes go out the window. (Or maybe we should say “down the drain.”) It’s easy to reach for the surefire technique of dousing the clog with Drano. 6 Easy Steps to Remove Window Stains. When it comes to house cleaning, it has several categories like cleaning of the bedroom, living room, bathroom, kitchen & other parts of the house.

6 Easy Steps to Remove Window Stains

One such vital inevitable part of house cleaning is window cleaning. As it is known, glass being a type of porous stone, requires annual maintenance to retain its glaze & sparkle. If it is not cleaned periodically at least, glass can get stained & prolonged staining will cause corrosion leading to the requirement for costly replacement. Use The Best And Effective Means of Cleaning Your House. In today’s day and age, being a working individual can be a curse at times.

Use The Best And Effective Means of Cleaning Your House

We all face the difficulty of coping up with the household chores especially house cleaning. A Good Housekeeper Can Transform Your House Instantly! A housekeeper is a professional who conducts effective cleaning in a way that makes your home sparkle and shine and renders your house dust and allergen-free. Some housekeeping services in San Francisco pride themselves on having highly-skilled professionals that can perform every kind of housekeeping task, including window cleaning.

Hiring a good housekeeper can turn out to be a benefit for the family. These days with everyone so busy with their lives, devoting time to housekeeping is simply impossible. Even if we want to clean those messy rooms, we are simply restrained by the lack of time. A good housekeeper can be beneficial in many ways: they would reduce your burden of cleaning and mopping your house after a hectic day at work, the sight of your messy room would no longer irritate you, there would be no need for hunting for any particular item throughout your house, and the list goes on.

Let us see some of the essential qualities that make a good housekeeper: » Blog Archive Living a Healthy Life: It’s Not as Intimidating as It Sounds. Clean and Green Your home for The Holidays. Carbon Neutral Cleaning San Francisco. Window Cleaning & Window Washing Services in San Francisco. Glass is actually a type of stone — a porous substance that requires substantial maintenance to keep its sparkle and its protective qualities. Glass that is not regularly cleaned can often become stained. Staining left untreated can turn to corrosion (mineralization) and may require costly restoration or in many cases complete glass replacement. Most experts recommend at least annual maintenance cleaning. Since 1993 our teams have been offering window cleaning services (including screens, window tracks and window sills) and pressure washing. Professional window cleaners use only squeegees and specialized tools to clean glass. House Cleaning & House Keeping Service in San Francisco.

Green cleaning is about effective cleaning that is safer than traditional methods. We use non-toxic cleaning products, equipment and procedures that are not only effective, but also help protect your loved ones and the environment. Our clients are busy professionals, married with children, young singles, and empty nesters. We provide cleaning for pet owners, parents, asthma and allergy sufferers, and those who want to save their energy for things other than cleaning house.