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Raw Reform - The Chia Cheat Sheet by Angela Stokes. Vegetable Culture Starter by Body Ecology. Cultured food was a healthy mainstay in the diets of our ancestors.

Vegetable Culture Starter by Body Ecology

Only a minimal portion of their foods were even cooked -- raw foods, full of live enzymes made up the majority of their diet. Our "modern" methods of pasteurization and adding chemicals to speed fermentation of products like yogurt and cheese have killed these once enzyme rich foods and converted them to poisons that disable our digestion and ultimately endanger our health. Cultured foods help reestablish the natural balance of our digestive system.

The One Day Cleanse. As I’ve always said, cleansing should be considered a verb, not a noun.

The One Day Cleanse

What I mean by that is that you should incorporate long-term shifts in your lifestyle, which are far more affective in cleansing the body on a continual and deeper basis rather than short-term “detoxes.” That being said, this “one day cleanse” is about helping you jump-start the process of getting on track with long-term lifestyle changes, or getting back on track, for those of you who have already been changing aspects of your lifestyle For someone new to the program, incorporate these guidelines below and those outlined in The Beauty Detox Solution slowly and over time in order to avoid any drastic side effects.