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The Epicurean Bodybuilder. Making Cannabutter with Samuel L. Jackson. via Home-made hummus: easy, cheaper and better than the store-bought variety : Frugal. Make cheap Thai style food fast. How to make 4 basic sauces. : Frugal. IfRa6.jpg (512×3899) Paleolithic Diet Food List - Foods Allowed on Paleo Diet NeanderThin Cave Man Diet. These are the foods that are recommended to approximate a Paleolithic Diet.

Note that authors disagree on a few details. I am in the process of revising this list to reflect the evolving thinking on this topic, but it's not my goal to comprehensively list the ideas of the growing number of authors on the subject. One thing that these authors agree on is that there is no way that we can exactly replicate the food of the Paleolithic period, so substitutions must be made in some cases. This accounts for many of the differing choices of the authors. Meats and Eggs Meats (including seafood) and eggs are perhaps the most important components of the Paleolithic Diet.

Loren Cordain (The Paleo Diet) believes we should seek out low-fat meat sources, while others disagree. Resources: High Protein Food List Cuts of Meat Low in Saturated Fats Eggs Really ARE Incredible! All About Salmon - Nutrition, selection, farmed vs wild, how to cook Vegetables Low Carb Vegetable List How to Cook Greens Fruits Oils. Paleodiet Foods.