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Interval Training: HIIT or Miss. Written on March 8, 2009 at 7:42 am, by Eric Cressey Today, we’ve got a special guest post from Michael Boyle of

Interval Training: HIIT or Miss

This is some fantastic stuff – definitely one of the most comprehensive articles I’ve seen on the topic of interval training Interval Training- HIIT or Miss? I think every fat loss article we read espouses the value of interval training for fat loss. In fact the term HIIT (for High Intensity Interval Training) is thrown around so much that many people just assume they know what it is. At the time I was reading these programs, I was also training members of the U.S. With that said, the focus of this article will be not “why,” as we have already heard the “why” over and over, but “how.” Interval training has been around for decades. Research Background In case you have been in a cave for the last decade let’s quickly review some research. A second study that has become known as the Tabata study again shows the extreme benefits of interval training.

Do the math. HIIT Workouts: 30 Second Training Intervals. The 30 Second workout is the ideal place to start with Interval training.

HIIT Workouts: 30 Second Training Intervals

Most interval workouts start with 30 Second workouts, If you are beginner please make sure that you stretch, warm up and warm down properly for every workout. If you are aiming at training above your lactate threshold you need to go fast enough to feel that the last few seconds feel almost impossible to keep running. Everything in your body should be burning. If you are fit and are not getting to this point in the sprint intervals, don’t save yourself for later, give it all up front, go harder and then try and survive through the rest of the workout.

Start this with 6 intervals and gradually migrate to 12. If you are interested in getting the most out of your 30 Second intervals, consider using this these 30 second interval sprints. by IntervalMP3. They really help push up your intensity during intervals. Beginners Intermediate Advanced. HIIT: Supercharge your Fitness and Fat Loss. I mean do you want to be able to look back a few weeks from now, and have already made the kind of progress you usually see in fitness magazines?

HIIT: Supercharge your Fitness and Fat Loss

Yes? And if I showed you this, would you be able to achieve the body you dream about? There isn’t anything to buy on this page and no forms to fill out. All of the details are right here on this page. You simply need to follow the steps. I’m going to ask you to do this experiment. There are lots of fantastic ways to do HIIT, in the future I’ll let you in on a few exercises that get way better results than others.

Are you ready? OK, heres what you need to do: So there it is, straightforward. Can you see how simple it is? Just do this two to three times a week and you will get amazing results. What kind of weight loss can I expect with that strategy? No promises obviously. Whatever. Consider this: lets say you don’t have a lot of time to exercise, lets say you can do about a hour a week. ***** Of course I can’t guarantee the results. How cool is that?