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A Fine Mess. Kristen Stewart’s suede Snow White costume begins... DIRTY VAG!NAS. Hello, tailor.: The costumes and characters of The Avengers. Part 3: Steve Rogers, Captain America. Previously: The costumes and characters of The Avengers.

Hello, tailor.: The costumes and characters of The Avengers. Part 3: Steve Rogers, Captain America.

Part 1: SHIELD. and Part 2: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, and Bruce Banner. As a person with maybe too many thoughts and feelings about superheroes (cf. all previous Avengers posts) I have no idea what an Avengers viewing experience is like for someone who doesn't know who Steve Rogers is. Stars Burn You Up. ♥ Bellezza è doloroso. Puma Swede. Harry Potter: Portraits by *daekazu. 100 Amazing Anime/Manga Digital Art - Anime, wallpaper.