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E-Learning in Primary Education – An Indian Perspective. E-Learning in Primary Education – An Indian Perspective - smilefoundationindia. The Annual Status of Education Report (2016) points that learning levels remain depressingly low across the country, while 97% of children (aged 6-14 years) across rural India are enrolled in a school, only 13% of the children in grade 2 can read from their language textbooks. Current scenario becomes worrying given the status of quality of education. The reasons for this state of affairs vary from infrastructure to availability of qualified teachers, from pedagogical to gender biased approach. Though there are many aspects which need to be addressed but amongst them the student-teacher ratio remains an important factor which affects quality of education.

In many areas a single teacher is found teaching multiple classes which is not an exceptional arrangement but has become a routine affair. E-Learning in Primary Education. E-Learning in Primary Education – An Indian Perspective - smilefoundationindia. E-Learning in Primary Education – An Indian Perspective. E-Learning in Primary Education – An Indian Perspective - smilefoundationindia. E-Learning in Primary Education. Small things behind a great website : ICT and Mobile for Development Blog. “It is nice to do great work, but important to share the good work so that people can know about it and the success finds its avenue for further replication,” said my boss long ago.

Small things behind a great website : ICT and Mobile for Development Blog

Appropriate communication is very important for effective mobilization of resources, building awareness and replication of successful initiatives. When it comes to communication, website has been the most effective means of communication due to its reach and accessibility. It represents the organization on the Internet and by virtue of its wide accessibility it makes an organisation global. First and foremost thing when it comes to website is that you do not know who is going to view your website.

E-Learning in Primary Education – An Indian Perspective - smilefoundationindia. Small things behind a great website : ICT and Mobile for Development Blog. E-Learning in Primary Education – An Indian Perspective - smilefoundationindia. Small things behind a great website. E-Learning in Primary Education – An Indian Perspective. Small things behind a great website : ICT and Mobile for Development Blog. E-Learning in Primary Education – An Indian Perspective - smilefoundationindia. Small things behind a great website. E-Learning in Primary Education – An Indian Perspective.

Small things behind a great website. E-Learning in Primary Education – An Indian Perspective. Small things behind a great website. E-Learning in Primary Education – An Indian Perspective. Small things behind a great website. E-Learning in Primary Education – An Indian Perspective - smilefoundationindia. Small things behind a great website. E-Learning in Primary Education – An Indian Perspective. Small things behind a great website.

E-Learning in Primary Education. Small things behind a great website. E Learning in Primary Education. Small things behind a great website : ICT and Mobile for Development Blog. E-Learning in Primary Education – An Indian Perspective - smilefoundationindia. E-Learning in Primary Education. Small things behind a great website. Small things behind a great website. E-Learning in Primary Education. Small things behind a great website. Good morning … Tatkal. Good morning … Tatkal : ICT and Mobile for Development Blog. E-Learning in Primary Education. Good morning … Tatkal : ICT and Mobile for Development Blog. Small things behind a great website : ICT and Mobile for Development Blog. E-Learning in Primary Education – An Indian Perspective - smilefoundationindia.