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Big Data

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Big Data | Useful Stuff. Manhattan, our real-time, multi-tenant distributed database for Twitter scale. As Twitter has grown into a global platform for public self-expression and conversation, our storage requirements have grown too. Over the last few years, we found ourselves in need of a storage system that could serve millions of queries per second, with extremely low latency in a real-time environment.

Availability and speed of the system became the utmost important factor. Not only did it need to be fast; it needed to be scalable across several regions around the world. Over the years, we have used and made significant contributions to many open source databases. Our holistic view into storage systems at TwitterDifferent databases today have many capabilities, but through our experience we identified a few requirements that would enable us to grow the way we wanted while covering the majority of use cases and addressing our real-world concerns, such as correctness, operability, visibility, performance and customer support.

We designed with the following goals in mind: Hortonworks. We Do Hadoop. Giraph - Welcome To Apache Giraph. Presto | Distributed SQL Query Engine for Big Data.