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15-Step Checklist To Creating The Perfect WordPress Website. Advertisement There is no doubt that WordPress is the best content management system (CMS) for your website. Sure, countless CMS’ are available, ranging from open-source to paid, and you’ll hear evangelists on all sides swearing that their choice is the best. But Drupal, Joomla or any other CMS doesn’t hold a candle to WordPress for its ease of use, security and reliability.

It’s no wonder that Web developers have built over 50 million websites on its sturdy back, or that so many designers would never dream of using anything else. Choose A Domain Without a domain, users wouldn’t be able to find or share your website. There are four key elements to a domain: top-level domain, root domain, subdomain and subfolder: Top-Level Domain The top-level domain, or TLD, is the end of the domain. There are many different TLDs, some created exclusively for organizations (.gov, .edu), some specific to countries (, .us, .es) and some used most often as an alternative to .com (.net, .org .info). 5 Powerful Wordpress Plugins To Increase Sharing Of Your Articles. Is your business keeping up with the ever evolving blogging industry?

And most importantly, are you taking any steps to make it dead easy for your readers to share your articles? All recent research I found points towards the fact that blogging is gaining importance month over month. In 2011 alone, 14 million new blogs were added to the blogosphere. A lot of emphasis is placed on producing the best content for your blog to drive leads to your site. And rightly so. Yet, with this post I want to go into detail about how a few great new WordPress plugins can give you a huge boost of exposure for your articles. 1.

Digg Digg is a sharing plugin, that has gotten a big overhaul recently. Of course you can also decide to put buttons at the top or bottom of your articles if you prefer not to show the sliding bar. How does it increase sharing of your posts? There was recently some stunning research put out by BrightEdge. 2. Have you ever read an article on the New York Times? 3. 4. 5. 40+ Awesome Tutorials and Techniques For WordPress Theme Developers. WordPress is getting more and more popular and that tons of blogs are powered by it. The community around WordPress is excellent providing free themes and plugings in nearly any form ans shape to meet your specific needs. Further on you can achieve amazing things if you know a few WordPress hacks and have learned some basic programming skills in PHP and SQL. Many programmers have put together solutions that address need on a blog that are not offered out of the box in WordPress and you can easily use these in your own templates.

This articles provides a list of some of the most essential WordPress hacks available. The WordPress Codex is by far the best place to learn about WordPress and its tweaks. Advertisement Getting Started Guides Before you go on to the more specialised tutorials and techniques addressing very specific solutions within wordpress and wordpress themes you should consider looking at one of these tutorials taking you through all the steps end to end. Options page The Loop. Wiki. WordPress Wiki Lite transforms your WordPress website into a fully functional wiki or add wiki pages to your WordPress blog. You can use Wiki lite to create... A WordPress based Wiki siteMultiple Wiki sites on a WordPress MultiSite install - so any user of your site can have their own Wiki. Wiki Pro Wiki lite is a fully functional but limited version of our full Wiki plugin. Our full version includes many more features: Allow anyone to edit wikis from frontend Allow anyone from the network to edit wikis Allow site users to edit wikis Upgrade to the full version now » How does it work... well, it's really easy.

Simply follow the instructions in the installation and configuration guide You'll then be able to create Wikis from the Admin Dashboard. 8 Essential WordPress Plugins for the New Blogger. If you’re new to blogging and WordPress but are serious about giving it a shot, you’ll need to extend some of WordPress’ built-in functionality to make a good go of it. It’s not that the platform itself is deficient, but these tools are crucial extensions of it for the discerning blogger who wants to increase traffic and revenue. Sitemap Having a sitemap means that search engines like Google can find all the pages on your site easily — and they know which ones are more important than others. But with a continuously changing site, like a blog, maintaining a sitemap manually can be painful. Recommendation: Google XML Sitemaps creates a sitemap to your specification and then notifies the search engines every time it is updated. Analytics Without analytics, it’s impossible to run a blog that consistently grows in readership and revenue.

The biggest pool of Internet traffic you can tap into comes from search engines. Forms Caching Spam Conversation Search. 10 Useful WordPress Security Tweaks - Smashing WordPress. Advertisement Security has always been a hot topic. Offline, people buy wired homes, car alarms and gadgets to bring their security to the max. Online, security is important, too, especially for people who make a living from websites and blogs. In this article, we’ll show you some useful tweaks to protect your WordPress-powered blog. 1. The problem When you fail to log into a WordPress blog, the CMS displays some info telling you what went wrong.

The solution To remove log-in error messages, simply open your theme’s functions.php file, and paste the following code: add_filter('login_errors',create_function('$a', "return null;")); Save the file, and see for yourself: no more messages are displayed if you fail to log in. Please note that there are several functions.php files. Code explanation With this code, we’ve added a simple hook to overwrite the login_errors() function. Source 2. The problem If you worry about your data being intercepted, then you could definitely use SSL. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Why You Should Never Search For Free WordPress Themes in Google... There are so many free WordPress themes out there it can put your head in a tail spin. So in an effort to help you sift through the good and the – let’s face it – crap, we’ve put together this ultimate guide to free WordPress themes.

This post is your one-stop, all-you-can-eat resource for information about free WordPress Themes. There’s an overwhelming number of free themes available – just search Google. It’s easy enough to just download the first free theme that catches your eye. And why wouldn’t you? They’re free! Why should you fork out your hard-earned cash for a premium themes when there are thousands, if not tens of thousands, available for free? And you’re right. But like most things that are too good to be true, free themes come with a catch. Stick around, but in this very comprehensive look at free themes, I’ll let you in on everything you need to know about free themes and where you can find safe and reliable options. In this post we’ll cover: What is a Free WordPress Theme? 40+ Best WordPress Plugins for Musicians, Bands & Music Lovers. By Briana Malmstrom 40+ WordPress Plugins for Musicians, Bands & Music Lovers Updated 8/12/2013 Top 10 Best WordPress Plugins For Music Lovers - Whether your band needs to showcase its musical talent or you simply want to share a history of what you’ve been listening to lately on, there’s a WP music plugin available to meet your needs!

25 Extremely Useful WordPress Plug-ins for Musicians - Musicians need an official website. 10 Best WordPress Plugins for Bands and Artists - Wordpress continues to gain momentum as the platform of choice for many a media website and it’s no different for band / artist websites. GigPress – GigPress is a powerful WordPress plugin designed for musicians and other performers. 7+ Best WordPress Plugins for Passive Promotion - These suggestions can increase your visitor participation and sharing without you having to lift a finger. Think you’ve done all you can to optimize your WordPress site or blog for the search engines and your fans? WordPress Girls. Lär dig Wordpress med våra videoguider. 10 WordPress Plugins: Easy for Designers, Happier Clients. In a couple of years, WordPress has grown from a blogging platform towards a more complex CMS orientated platform.

Today more than 25 million people use WordPress. What makes the diversity of this platform and what enables the CMS to easily adapt to many situations is the huge quantity and diversity of plugins available. Nearly 16,000 plugins can be freely downloaded from the WordPress plugin directory, and even more can be found on the internet. Image credit: teamstickergiant In this article, we will focus on a selection of 10 plugins that make the developer’s life easier by enhancing some WordPress functionalities and thus create a more useful and easier administration area that make clients happy. 1. Gecka Submenu Gecka submenu is a useful plugin to enhance WordPress navigation. That’s one part of the plugin: it will add to the WordPress menu administration page a checkbox called “automatically populate with child pages“.

Gecka Submenu 2. Simple Page Ordering 3. Pagely Multiedit 4. 5. 6. Fem stekheta plugins för Wordpress du inte får missa. InShare1 Kör du en blogg eller webbsajt baserad på WordPress så är chanserna stora att du redan installerat en eller flera pluginprogram för att utöka funktionaliteten i din blogg eller webbsajt. Vi på Binero kan ändå inte motstå att lista fem av de hetaste plugins som vi sprungit på och som är ett måste för varje blogg och webbsajt baserad på WordPress. Peta i turbon Först ut är en gammal favorit som vi bloggat om tidigare. WP Super Cache heter den och fungerar precis som namnet antyder som en buffert mellan WordPress och dina läsare. Vill man testa en annan lösning finns även W3 Total Cache som fungerar i princip på samma sätt som WP Super Cache. Databasbackup Vill du ta backup på din WordPress-databas kan du givetvis göra detta via din kontrollpanel här hos oss på Binero. Hantera redaktionellt material Om du driver din WordPress-sajt som en redaktionell sida eller bara vill ha ett enklare sätt att hantera ditt skrivna material så är pluginen Editorial Calendar ett riktigt fynd.

10 WordPress plugins to enhance your blog’s typography. Have you ever visited a blog and noticed immediately how the typography added sophistication and really made the content stand out? Perhaps it was an elegant typeface that fit the theme of the blog, or white space that was used proficiently throughout the layout. Whatever it was, it caught your eye, and you probably wondered how they did it. These kinds of readability enhancements are done either via manual CSS styling or with plug-ins.

If you’re not familiar with CSS coding, then plug-ins are definitely the way to go, and this article highlights the top 10 typography-related WordPress plug-ins for enhancing the readability of your blog. Plug-ins like these are important because they help you better handle hyphens, spacing, character formatting, text enhancements, quotes and much more. So, let’s look at how to make your blog come to life with enhancement plug-ins. 1. Download plug-in (ZIP) 2. Download plug-in (ZIP) 3.

Download plug-in (ZIP) 4. Download plug-in (ZIP) 5. Download plug-in (ZIP) 15 Useful Twitter Plugins for WordPress. Nowadays successful blogging definitely depends on effective use of social media. Twitter is one of the most popular social networks and you must consider its benefits if you want to be a successful blogger. Since WordPress is one of the best blogging platforms for its possibility to extend it functions with tons of plugins, today we’d like to show you useful plugins related to Twitter. In this post you will find 15 useful Twitter plugins for your WordPress blog.Tweet Old Post Tweet Old Posts randomly picks your older post based on the interval specified by you.

The primary use of this plugin is to promote older blog posts by tweeting about them and getting more traffic. TwitPic This plugin displays your latest pictures from TwitPic in the sidebar of your blog. 12 saker i WordPress som du kanske inte använder? Idag är det den tredje och sista dagen på WordCamp och jag sitter på de sessioner som handlar om trick och tips som du kan använda på din WordPress sajt. Den första sessionen hade rubriken 12 saker som du inte använder som du borde använda och den var extremt givande, fokus var för nybörjare och vi fick en snabbpresentation av de möjligheter som finns i WordPress.

De 12 saker som vi fick presenterade som varje nybörjare bör undersöka är: Zen mode Just write, unintended funktionen finns i full screen och sedan klickar du på zen mode och då får du en ren skärm som inte har störande menyer eller andra saker som distraherar dig när du ska skriva Kitchen zink Det finns i verktygsfältet en hel rad med knappar, som du kan ta fram genom att klicka på den symbol som ser ut som ett tangentbord. Keyboard short cuts Det finns kortkommandon för olika funktioner och om du hovrar över knapparna i redigeraren eller verktygsfältet så får du fram kortkommandon. Kortkommandon finns även för kommentarer. Bra verktyg för uppdatering av WordPress-installationer | StefanJson.

Har du som jag flera webbplatser som bygger på WordPress så vet du också att det är rätt tidskrävande att hålla dem uppdaterade. Nu har jag hittat ett verktyg som jag tycker fungerar bra och som besparar mig en hel del tid. Med detta verktyg uppdaterar jag WordPress, teman och plugins enkelt, i ett och samma gränssnitt, för alla mina WordPress-installationer samtidigt. Verktyget jag syftar på är ManageWP och det består av två delar, dels en plugin som du installerar på de webbplatser du vill hantera, dels ett webbgränssnitt där du hanterar webbplatserna. ManageWP är utvecklat av Vladimir Prelovac som är CEO på Prelovac Media. Att använda ManageWP Om du vill börja använda ManageWP så får du börja med att gå och registrera ett konto. När du registrerat kontot så har du sedan möjlighet att hantera upp till 100 webbplatser kostnadsfritt.

När du sedan loggat in kommer du till ”Dashboard”. När det kommer till uppdateringar så har du flera olika alternativ att välja på. 10 Blank/Naked Wordpress Themes Perfect for Development. If you have to develop WordPress themes on a regular basis then I have no doubt that you too have experienced the tedium that goes with re-writing the same code over and over again. It doesn’t matter how excited you are about a new project or even how much you love web design, having to repeatedly do the same basic coding for every single theme can be really, really annoying.

Of course there are frameworks that you could use that will take the pain away, but these may offer too much functionality. What if you want just a basic nuts and bolts theme with everything unnecessary stripped out and leaving only WordPresses base structure with some basic CSS styling? Then you will need a WordPress Blank theme.

Some developers call them blank, they can also be called naked, starter, base, framework (not in the same vein as Hybrid or Thematic) or even just basic. Regardless of what you call them, they will all do the same thing: Bring the enjoyment back to WordPress development. Features: Installing WordPress Locally. Plugins Wordpress. Lokalt WordPress med ett klick | arwengrim. WordPress Portable. TV4, Wordpress och ekosystemet. WordPress 3.0 med Multi-Site & Domain Mapping | Jonathan Sulo. Subscribe2. En massa sköna WordPress-sidor | Jonathan Sulo. 10 Essential WordPress Plugins for Every WordPress Installation.

Instruction [Wordpress Video Plugin] WordPress Makes it Easier to Switch to Your Own Hosting. 100 Free High Quality WordPress Themes: 2010 Edition - Smashing Magazine. 20 Plugin Replacing Tutorials, Tips, Snippets and Solutions for WordPress-Speckyboy Design Magazine. Jetpack. Awesome WordPress hacks to make your blogger life easier - 50 Best Free WordPress Themes of 2010. Uppdatera flera WordPress-sidor enkelt | Jonathan Sulo. Bra wordpresslänkar | Entreprenörsskap, lifehacks och Helsingborg. Clean and Beautiful Minimalist Wordpress Themes. 7 WordPress plugins for a more User Friendly blog. Så bygger du egna teman i Wordpress - CAP&Design. Zotpress. WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Script For WordPress Blogs And Regular Web Sites. WP No Category Base.

10 Old and New Useful WordPress Comment Plug-ins. 35+ Most Essential Wordpress Tricks and Hacks.