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Yoga Pants from T shirts. I recently did some clearance shopping at Old Navy. I was quite pleased because I found several nice T-shirts in the men's section for $0.97 each. I bought them knowing that my husband probably wouldn't be crazy about them and that I could turn them into something special. I've been eyeing the Warhol baby dress from Dana at Made, but after some thoughtful consideration, and some t-shirt repurposing research I decided on some yoga pants. I found this great tutorial on Cut Out and Keep. The instructions are pretty simple. I used a shirt that was a men's large, and it ended up being a woman's size Small-Medium pant. Sorry about the goofy photos, I am not the best at taking self portraits.

You can find my Sweatshirt to Lounge Short Tutorial here. Taking in Jeans at the Side Seam Tutorial. Oilcloth Zippered Pencil Case. Learning how to sew a zipper is what separates a beginner sewer from an intermediate (and intermediate sounds way better, right?). We've got a fun and really easy project to help you learn the zipper sewing process with this oil cloth pencil case.

You can substitute with cotton if you'd like as well but oil cloth will hold its shape much better. Oil cloth zipper (mine was 8'') pins scissors sewing machine and matching thread Measure your zipper across and cut two matching pieces of oil cloth the same length x 4'' height. My zipper was 8'' so my oil cloth pieces were 8'' x 4''. right sides together, place one oil cloth piece on top of the zipper, lining up the edges Sew a simple basting stitch (and long loose stitch) to hold is in place temporarily. It should look like this after you finish the basting stitch. Using a zipper foot on your sewing machine, sew along that basting stitch, very close- but not on top of the metal zipper.

Made By Lex. How to Make Kid's Clothes from T-Shirts - The Possibilities Are Endless. Five of my t-shirts were headed for the Goodwill bin until I signed up for Wardrobe Refashion. It inspired me to put the shirts to good use here at home for my one year old. I made this: There is a great tutorial for making jersey flowers out of your scraps at Happy Together. And these: There is a tutorial for making the ruffled bloomers here on my website.

Again, Happy Together has a tutorial for making the gathered tuxedo ruffles, so I won't go into detail. I can't take credit for these brilliant upcycled legwarmers which are made of bits of jersey shirts. The dress is kind of shapeless on the clothesline, but super-cute on the babe. Here's another one that looks wonky hanging there, but I adore it on her! Can you sense my love affair with smocking? And hand wind it around your regular bobbin (don't stretch it as you wind). To make any top or dress for your child, turn your old t-shirt inside out and lie it flat. Sew the sides back up so you are working with smaller t-shirt. Tutorial ~Romantic Cardigan Transformation ~ Do you have a cardigan you have been wanting to spice up a little? I had one in my closet, I was thinking of making a corsage for it...

Then, since I have been in a romantic mood lately, I decided to add ruffles and lace. What can be more femanine and romantic? You will need: A Cardigan Cotton Lace A Roll of Sheer Ribbon Matching Thread Fray Check 1. 2. 3. 4. I thought about adding more texture by using different materials, but I didn't. There is one more tutorial I want to share this week. I hope you are all enjoying this fall weather, what are your plans for this weekend?

Getting Back at the Dryer.... We all know that our dryers eat socks. Not a big deal with easily replaceable white socks that my husband wears, but when they're my cute little polka-dotted ones, it makes me mad!! I have a huge collection of cute socks that I've been hoping to find the mates for. But after three years, I've given up. So I showed my dryer who was boss, and I made some cute gloves out of them! In case you have some single ladies in your sock drawer, here's how to make them! Sort through your socks and find the pretty ones. Cut the tops off.... Get yourself some inexspensive gloves (Walmart sells a two-pack of these for $1.50, chances are you already have some though!) And sew it on to the glove! Sew the rest of the sock pieces to each other in the same way, but with right sides facing each other.

Add as many as you'd like, making sure that the last one you add has the sock band as the open end, to have a finished look. Then I added a couple of pom-poms! Recycled t-shirt diaper. Hello and welcome! After looking at the entry and exit pages for my blog I found this page is the one that most people view. I decided to update this entry with a new tutorial for making a recycled t-shirt diaper that reflects how I make the little guys diapers now. For a turned and stitched version of this diaper see my post on the red velvet recycled diaper.

Instructions on how to make a turned and stitched diaper are in the newborn ai2 diaper tutorial post. Instructions for pocket t-shirt diaper Diaper pattern can be downloaded in three pdf files.nvpockdiap1nvpockdiap2nvpockdiap3 The diaper can be made using a regular machine or serger. Materials: XL 100% cotton t-shirt and optional small piece of micro fleece for the liner. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Below is the original t-shirt diaper post. T-shirts are great for making diapers. Instructions for t-shirt diaper Materials: XL t-shirt for main body of the diaper. 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. Maternity top to wrap tee. Maternity clothes drive me nuts. They are so very much needed for a 6 months (or a whole year if you are really unlucky), but then, what? Most of my maternity clothes were bought second hand, and I sent a good deal of them away to the thrift shops and pregnant friends.

Still, a couple have lingered and I could really use something new to wear at 10 months post-partum (as I type this, I am, in fact, wearing an unaltered maternity top :O). Here is an idea to make those maternity tops not only wearable after the little mite arrives, but actually quite useful for nursing. The tee shirt has two front flaps that are attached to double fold bias tape that come around behind and tie at the back. To convert your maternity tops to a wrap around tee, you'll need your maternity top in knit material, another tee shirt or bit of knit fabric (for the underneath panel), single fold bias tape and double fold bias tape. A quick note on sewing knits. Now, let's chop something up! Here is your maternity tee. Man's Shirt to Woman's Shirt Tutorial. Make It and Love It: Re-Purposing: Boy's Pants.

Can you believe it? A boy project. I’ve been trying to think of new things for my sweet boy…’s just harder to come up with projects for him. Skirts and frills that seem to be easy to create…..don’t look so great on boys. Darn. But how about some hip little pants? Complete with belt loops and faux back pockets. And then match it up with a shirt and tie.Why not? Give it a try if you have a little guy. How? : : : Click on images to enlarge. : : : Find an old pair of shorts or pants that have a fun pattern……or keep it plain.

Then, using the tutorial here, make a pair of pants to fit your little guy. Next, I attached a button to the center front. Now, you’re going to cut off all of the belt loops from the men’s shorts/pants. Turn under the ends of the loops a 1/4 inch and attach to the pants. Then I cut rectangles from the waist band to create back pockets that were about 3 1/2 x 2 1/2 inches. The I folded under each end a 1/4 inch. And that’s it. How to sew a circular skirt. My apple green bedsheet dress had a circular bottom. This is how you make one. 1. Measure your waistline, or where you want the waistline of your dress to fall. Divide by four. 2. Measure length of your skirt. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The final product would be worth all the trouble. And please please let me know if the instructions are clear.

How to Hem Pants - Hemming Pants Tutorial. Note: There are also video instructions for this tutorial. When it comes to pants, it’s all about the fit. You may have a pair of pants that look great on the booty, but are too long or short for your legs. Hemming pants is so easy that leg length should never stand between you and a hot pair of pants. If you can hem pants, then you’ve got the advantage every time you hit the dressing room. What you'll Need: Gather the above supplies and get ready to prepare your pants. How to Take In a Dress - Make a Dress Smaller. How to Shorten a Skirt - DIY Fashion. How to create a french seam. French seams are wonderful for professional-looking, clean seams. The raw edge of fabric is essentially encased within the seam. They are perfect for light, delicate fabrics such as silk. This tutorial will produce a 5/8″ seam. If you are making this silk scarf, you can use a french seam to join the two pieces of fabric end to end.

Pin the seam, with the wrong sides together. Machine stitch, using only a 1/4″ seam. Press the seam flat, then trim close to the seam. Now press the seam downward. Turn the fabric, so the right sides are now together. Stitch again, this time using a 3/8″ seam allowance. this will encase the raw edge. Press the seam downward to finish the seam. To finish the scarf, create a hand rolled hem along the four sides. How to create a hand rolled hem. Hand rolled hems are so lovely, and with a little practice and a few tricks, quite easy to do (if a bit time consuming). Begin by machine stitching 1/4″ from the edge along the entire edge. Press the stitching flat. Thread a hand sewing needle with matching thread. For a delicate fabric such as this silk charmeuse, use a small needle with a narrow eye to minimize the visibility of holes in your fabric.

Now find something you can use as a weight. Trim close to the stitching as you go, trimming about six inches at a time. Try to get very close to the stitches. Anchor your thread at the edge of the fabric by creating a few backstitches there. Pulling the fabric taut, hold the fabric edge between your thumb and forefinger, and roll toward you. Use a slipstitch to stitch the hem. Continue until edges are completely hemmed. Do not press this seam flat when you’re done. How to make bias tape.

{photo of liberty bias trim by poshyarns} ETA: Also check out the continuous loop bias tape method for a faster method (it’s just slightly trickier the first time). As I mentioned recently, I think bias tape is wonderful stuff. It’s a terrific help if you can learn to make it yourself. Yes, it’s a bit time consuming, but the possibilities are pretty endless for prints and patterns, it’s less expensive, and best of all as far as I’m concerned, you can make tape to match your fabric! If you’re not really familiar with bias tape, it’s basically a long strip of fabric that’s been cut on the bias of fabric.

So here’s one method. You’ll need: a piece of fabric to use for your bias tapea Clover Bias Tape Maker. Step 1: Cut yourself a rectangle of fabric. Step 2: Now you need to find the bias. Step 3: Mark off strips along the bias by measuring equal distances from the line you marked. Step 4: Now cut out your strips. Step 5: Trim the ends of the strips so they’re flat. And you have bias tape! Bias tape bows. I’m a little obsessed lately with very simple vintage blouses. You know the type: they’re from the 1940s, have cap sleeves, and they button up the back. I have several old patterns and I’ve been collecting all sorts of vintage novelty prints to make them in (but not much time to make them).

I was making this one up in this rather loud pink silk I’ve had sitting around for a while. I had jut enough to make this blouse and the frugal side of me really gets a thrill out of that. I love being able to throw the scraps away after sewing and not feel bad about it. The pattern called for finishing the neckline with bias tape, so I made some just like in the bias tape tutorial. These are very easy to make. I placed one bow at the throat, and the rest down the back! The wool leggings tutorial. Okay, the video is up right over here. I sewed these with wool jersey, but you can use any knit you like that would make good leggings. I have sourced some things below but please shop local first. Try calling your local fabric shops to see what they have for some of these harder to find items.

My washable wool jersey was purchased at Rose City Textiles, here in Portland. Annette is the one you want to talk to. Here's her e-mail: (they will ship) Mine was about $18 a yard.This is my favorite marking tool made by clover which you might need if you want to skip making a tissue pattern first and mark directly onto your jersey, tracing your existing leggings. Hope you all dig this. Happy Thanksgiving this week. Bias tape tutorial (all by machine) FOE-fold over elastic tutorial* How to Sew with Bias Tape.