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SharePoint Portal Alternatives - A Credible List. It seems like just about everyone offers some type of solution that integrates with SharePoint (news, site).

SharePoint Portal Alternatives - A Credible List

But for every potential integration, it seems like there's another vendor out there that offers a solution designed to replace SharePoint. And there are a number of alternative solutions to SharePoint on the market today. Not all are identical in capabilities, not all claim to be SharePoint alternatives — even though they are. We took a look at some of these "SharePoint Alternatives" and let you know what SharePoint functionality they replace. Here's what we found. Document Collaboration When most people think about how SharePoint is used they think Document Collaboration.

Box.Net (news, site) is a good alternative for document collaboration and these guys go hard after the SharePoint market.This is an online service that provides the ability to store documents, share them with others and collaborate using discussions, comments and other features. Social Computing. Mind Tools - Management Training, Leadership Training and Career Training - Right Here, Right Now. The Learning Toolbox. Brain Games & Brain Training. Organisez vos cagnottes en ligne ! Lexdis - List of Assistive Technologies. The Mind Tools Career Excellence Toolkit. Don't Break The Chain!

Free Tools to Manage New Year's Resolutions - Geek to Live. Le CV parfait / Keljob. Le CV parfait en 10 leçons Expérience professionnelle, formation et divers : votre CV est prêt, et vous vous apprêtez à le glisser dans l'enveloppe.

Le CV parfait / Keljob

Stop ! Cette époque est révolue, et il y a aujourd'hui bien des moyens pour rendre le document un peu plus attirant, notamment dans sa construction. Petit tour d'horizon des 10 rubriques qui peuvent vous aider à taper dans l'œil des recruteurs. Le résumé des compétences : réservé aux expérimentés Cette rubrique fleurit sur les CV depuis quelques années. Objectifs de carrière : attention, piège ! « C'est délicat de faire apparaître cette rubrique, prévient Jérôme Bonnet. Les références : un vrai plus Le phénomène est assez récent, mais plutôt apprécié des recruteurs. Password Strength Checker. 100 Powerful Web Tools to Organize Your Thoughts and Ideas. By Alisa Miller Whether you are a busy executive, a single parent, a freelancer working from home, a student, or a combination of these, you have probably found yourself needing help when it comes to organizing all your thoughts and ideas that occur throughout your busy day.

100 Powerful Web Tools to Organize Your Thoughts and Ideas

Now you can turn to these tools found on the Internet that will help you with tasks such as note-taking, bookmarking websites, highlighting important text during online research, creating mind maps, tracking time, keeping up with appointments, collaborating with others, managing projects, and much more. Note-Taking and Documents These tools will help you take notes no matter where you find yourself needing to jot something down. Zyvon - Service gratuit d'organisation d'invitations en ligne interactives. 112 GTD Software Apps - Researched Comparison. L'annuaire des blogs de développement personnel francophones. Amazon Gift Central. The Art of Filing - Managing Your Documents... and Your Time. Managing Your Documents... and Your Time Filing is an important skill!

The Art of Filing - Managing Your Documents... and Your Time

© iStockphoto/sdlocal Have you ever kept a client or your boss waiting on the phone while you've searched the piles of papers on your desk for an important document? If you have, then your boss and your client may not have a good opinion of you, because in a key encounter, you've let them down. And if it's your job to help people, how much of other people's time are you wasting if you can't find the documents and papers you need, when you need them? You owe it to yourself to file effectively, however boring this may seem. Managing Time Even in the age of email and the Internet, we still deal with many paper documents and files. All too often, though, we waste our own time (and often the time of other people) searching for data that's actually sitting somewhere on our desk or in an office filing cabinet. Managing Information Efficiently Effective File Management. Présentation du MBTI pour les francophones.

TagTime. Méthode de gestion du temps GTD, les bases en français. 43 Folders Series: Inbox Zero. These are posts from a special 43 Folders series looking at the skills, tools, and attitude needed to empty your email inbox — and then keep it that way.

43 Folders Series: Inbox Zero

You can visit each of the posts by clicking the title. And don’t miss the “Related Articles” for our all-time popular posts on productively dealing with email. Looking for the Inbox Zero video? The full 1-hour video for Merlin’s Inbox Zero presentation at Google is available for free down here — or check out this post about the video and slideshow. Posts in the Inbox Zero series 43F Series: Inbox Zero [Introduction] - “Clearly, the problem of email overload is taking a toll on all our time, productivity, and sanity, mainly because most of us lack a cohesive system for processing our messages and converting them into appropriate actions as quickly as possible.”Inbox Zero: Articles of faith - “When I first suggested the email DMZ and said there was a way to get your inbox to zero in 20 minutes, I wasn’t lying. Related articles. Envoi d'un mail dans le futur. Invitations, Free eCards and Party Planning Ideas from Evite.

Gparzer. Version 0.3 beta. Remember The Milk. Getting things done with email. Getting things done. Leçons tirées du livre Getting Things Done Par Sylvain Carle Comme vous vous affichez en tant que professionnel indépendant sur, il y a fort à parier que vous êtes de ceux qu'on nomme les «travailleurs du savoir» (knowledge workers).

Getting things done

Cela implique que la matière première de votre travail est constituée d'idées et de connaissances que vous transformez en services pour vos clients. Bien que votre métier puisse exiger du travail manuel, sa valeur principale vient de l'intangible. Les travailleurs du savoir ne peuvent espérer (ni craindre, par ailleurs) de se faire décharger de leurs tâches par un robot dans les prochaines décennies. Un livre pour changer C'est avec toutes ces questions, mon angoisse quotidienne de la performance et mon obsession à bien faire les choses que je suis tombé (par le pouvoir de l'hyperlien accidentel) sur un bouquin fantastique: Getting Things Done, de David Allen, un «entraineur en productivité» et consultant.

Trop de boucles ouvertes 1. Outils Froids - 3 outils pour appliquer la méthode "Getting things done" Horloge cube. March 4, 2005 (Friday) / 5:15 pm.