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Abstractions in Web architecture - Design Issues. Up to Design Issues Progress in communications technology has ben characterizsed by a movement from lower to higher levels of abstraction.

Abstractions in Web architecture - Design Issues

When, first, computers were connected by telephone wires, then you would have to run a special program to make one connect to another. Then you could make the second connect to a third, but you had to know how to use the second one. Mail and news would be passed around by computters calling each other late at night. Email addresses for a while contained a list of computers to pass the message through (timbl@mcvax! It's not the wires -- it's the computers The ability to use this communication power between computers wasn't powerfully useful until the Internet. This made life very much easier. It's not the computers -- it's the documents This power of communication between computers wasn't really easily usable by normal people until the Web came along.

Linked data: it's is not like that; it's like a bag of potato ch. We’ve been trying to explain partial understanding since at least as far back as the 1998 Extensible Languages note, but the The Fate of the Semantic Web report from Pew still reflects the perception that the Semantic Web will never work because it requires global agreement on one big ontology.

Linked data: it's is not like that; it's like a bag of potato ch

In Tim Berners-Lee’s talk at the gov 2.0 Expo, he gives a wonderful illustration using a bag of potato chips. On the bag of potato chips, he shows various vocabularies in use: the plain English “potato chips” on the front — note that’s U.S. English; in the U.K., it would be “potato crisps”.the nutrition information on the back, standardized by the U.S. food and drug administration.some allergy information that many people don’t pay any attention to, but those with allergies read very carefully.the UPC code that can be read by any retail checkout machine in the worldsome numbers on the bottom edge of the package that make no sense to him whatsoever. He points out that people don’t go “Eek! - welcome. Academic Video Search. Robert H.

Academic Video Search

Goddard was born in Worcester, Massachusetts to Nahum Danford Goddard, a businessman, and Fannie Hoyt Goddard. Early in life, young Robert suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis which kept him out of school for long periods of time. However, he kept up with his studies and was an avid readers. It was after reading H.G. Wells's "The War of the Worlds" that he first became interested in space exploration. After graduating from school, Robert Goddard applied and was accepted at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Unfortunately, in early 1913, Goddard became seriously ill with tuberculosis, and had to leave his position at Princeton. Goddard's thoughts on space flight started to emerge in 1915, when he theorized that a rocket would work in a vacuum, and didn't need to push against air in order to fly.

Goddard turned his attention to the components of his rockets. Powder rockets were still problematic. References and Further Reading: For more interesting articles join the Yovisto Blog: Linking Slideshare Data « Think Links. I love

Linking Slideshare Data « Think Links

It’s great after an event or conference to be able to go back and go through slides to jog my memory or to be able to get a bit of glimpse of a talk that I didn’t get to attend. Plus, I like the fact that it makes it easy to embed slides into a blog post like this one. Moreover, slides provide a concrete artifact artifact of an event as well as the outcome of many processes. Thinking about that I thought it would be good to easily mash-up slide metadata with other Linked Data. Luckily, provides a nice API, which I’ve wrapped to output RDF. Example Using the service, you can take a slideshow like this one: and get RDF like this out: Berners-Lee Pushes Linked Data In MIT Course. Why Carry the Cost of Linked Data? – Tom Heath’s Displacement Ac. June 16th, 2010 by Tom Heath In his ongoing series of niggles about Linked Data, Rob McKinnon claims that “mandating RDF [for publication of government data] may be premature and costly“.

Why Carry the Cost of Linked Data? – Tom Heath’s Displacement Ac

The claim is made in reference to Francis Maude’s parliamentary answer to a question from Tom Watson. Personally I see nothing in the statement from Francis Maude that implies the mandating of RDF or Linked Data, only that “Where possible we will use recognised open standards including Linked Data standards”. Note the “where possible”. However, that’s not the point of this post. There’s nothing premature about publishing government data as Linked Data – it’s happening on a large scale in the UK, US and elsewhere.

European Union starts project about economic effects of open gov. Linked Data Tools Free Downloads Semantic Web. V1.0 – stable platform, more data, new APIs DataLift: Un catalyseur pour le web de données. Djubby - Project Hosting on Google Code.