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Gautier Poupeau


Lost. Fourre-tout personnel virtuel de Got. Web sémantique. C Library Linked Data Incubator Group. The mission of the Library Linked Data incubator group is to help increase global interoperability of library data on the Web, by bringing together people involved in Semantic Web activities—focusing on Linked Data—in the library community and beyond, building on existing initiatives, and identifying collaboration tracks for the future.

C Library Linked Data Incubator Group

The group has explored how existing building blocks of librarianship, such as metadata models, metadata schemas, standards and protocols for building interoperability and library systems and networked environments, encourage libraries to bring their content, and generally re-orient their approaches to data interoperability towards the Web, also reaching to other communities. It has also envisioned these communities as a potential major provider of authoritative datasets (persons, topics...) for the Linked Data Web. Deliverables. Un groupe "Bibliothèques et Web de données" au sein du W3C. Le web des données. Presentations - Library Linked Data. 2011-10-23: This page is no longer active: See Graphics, Presentations, and Other Re-Usable Content in the Library Linked Data section of W3C Semantic Web Activity wiki.

Presentations - Library Linked Data

Presentations Available on the Web Dan Chudnov, Better Living Through Linking, TCDL 2009 Keynote The Linked Library Data Cloud: Stop talking and start doing, Code4Lib 2010, by Ross Singer HIVE: A New Tool for Working With Vocabularies - Ryan Scherle and Jose Aguera, Code4Lib 2010, Why libraries should embrace Linked Data, Code4Lib 2009, (video etc via ) Keynote: Ian Davis: If You Love Something...Set it Free, Code4Lib 2009, (video etc via ) Keynote: Karen Coyle - "R&D: Can Resource Description become Rigorous Data? " "The RDF model underlying Semantic Web technologies is frequently described as the future of structured metadata.

Linked library data. Topics - Library Linked Data. NOTE: THIS PAGE IS BEING FURTHER DEVELOPERED AS TopicsDiscussed. PLEASE SUSPEND FURTHER EDITING OF THIS PAGE UNTIL THIS HAS BEEN DISCUSSED... -- Tom Occurrence of a nickname on a topic line indicates that the person has coined the topic or is interested in it. CM. Conceptual Models and KOS kc: This is the development of conceptual information models (like FRBR). LLD. Kc: Some of the actual details that need to be resolved for our data.

Panlibus » Blog Archive » Talis Open Day: Linked Data and Librar. To complement our newsletters, blogs and forums, Capita produces a free library-focused quarterly magazine called Panlibus.

Panlibus » Blog Archive » Talis Open Day: Linked Data and Librar

Panlibus Magazine brings you the latest news from the library sector. Features include thought-leadership articles from prominent figures in the library industry, reports on projects currently being undertaken by libraries and other library-focused industries, and reviews of events. Panlibus Magazine works to encourage input from readers. If you have a suggestion for an article or library-related news, we would love to hear from you: simply email with your suggestion and contact details. As well as the producing the magazine, we post regularly to our Panlibus blog about library market news and events. White Papers - project. Présentation d'OAI-ORE. Zotero : vers la fin de l’OpenURL ? Je ne sais si comme moi vous avez passé du temps, ces dernières années, à comprendre comment fonctionne l’OpenURL, ce qu’il permet, etc.

Si ce n’est pas le cas… non, cette fois-ci je ne vous renverrai pas aux différents billets antérieurs sur ce sujet. Car une discussion en cours dans le groupe des développeurs de Zotero laisse entendre que les jours de ce format sont comptés. J’avoue que je n’en vois pas encore toutes les conséquences, mais plutôt que d’y réfléchir seul, je m’empresse de vous en traduire certains passages afin que vous puissiez d’emblée vous en faire une idée. L’intégralité de la discussion peut se suivre ici. Tout est partie de la demande de quelqu’un voulant savoir quel était la meilleure manière d’intégrer des métadonnées bibliographiques dans un wiki, de manière à ce qu’elles puissent être récupérées par Zotero.

Intervient alors Erik Hetzner, dont je traduis le message avec son aimable autorisation : (en italiques, il cite des messages antérieurs) Aucune pour le moment. Hbz — Linked Open Data. English version of this page Seit einigen Jahren ist das Hochschulbibliothekszentrum des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (hbz) aktiv in der Linked-Open-Data-Bewegung.

hbz — Linked Open Data

Es hat in verschiedenen Projekten an der Freigabe von Katalogdaten und der Migration bibliothekarischer Daten ins Semantic Web mitgearbeitet. PREMIS/RDF Mapping: ALPHA. R.V.Guha ( Note: This is an old (1996) paper I wrote about MCF.

Most of it is still relevant. Organizational structures for content, such as file systems, emailbox hierarchies, WWW subject categories, people directories, etc. are almost as important as content itself. The goal of the Meta Content Framework (MCF) is to provide the same benefits for these structures as HTML provided for content. This is a white paper that describes the basic concepts and ideas behind MCF. Background Context The Shift in Focus The last few years have seen a significant change in what we consider productivity applications. The Problem. Resource Description Framework (RDF) Model and Syntax Specificat.

REC-rdf-syntax-19990222 W3C Recommendation 22 February 1999 This Version: Newest Version: Editors:

Resource Description Framework (RDF) Model and Syntax Specificat

