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Anglais. Pronouns. Grammar : Pronouns A Pronouns is word that is used in place of another noun in order to avoid inelegant repetition.


Example: • Clinton said that Clinton was planning to go with Clinton’s brother to Clinton’s school. This sentence is, although grammatically correct one, not preferred and is looking awkward. In order to avoid the inelegant repetition of the same word (Noun-Clinton),'he' and 'his' can be used as follows. • Clinton said that he was planning to go with his brother to his school. By using 'he' and 'his', we have made the sentences an elegant one. Singular Pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, each, everyone, one, me, him, his, her, this etc… Plural Pronouns: They, both, few, those, these etc… Pronouns which could be either singular or plural: Who, which, what, that etc… The noun that a pronoun stands for is known as antecedent.

Example: • Joseph has gone to meet his friend. In this sentence, the noun ‘Joseph’ is the antecedent for ‘his’. Take a Breather - Colloquial Phrases. Spoken English Blog/Website: Learn to speak fluently. E-learning. WiZiQ is a web-based platform for anyone and everyone who wants to teach and learn live, online.


Teachers and students use WiZiQ for its state-of-the-art virtual classroom, to create and share online educational content and tests, and to connect with persons having similar subject interests. Whether you are a teacher or a learner, signing up for a WiZiQ account is free and simple. In the virtual classroom, you can interact online using: Images, PowerPoint presentations and documentsFull way audio and video sharingLive chat enhances the interaction amongst the participantsControl Privileges with you having full control over the session like in real-world classroom All sessions on WiZiQ are automatically recorded so that you can revisit and even search for a certain topic anytime at your convenience.

Verdict: I have to confess that I haven't actually used WiZiQ - the above is taken from their About Us page. Learning English. The days are long gone when the BBC and the big EFL publishers would spend large amounts of money on video courses for learners of English.

Learning English

I still feel nostalgic about the BBC's wonderful Bid for Power, which I used extensively at the start of my teaching career in the early eighties. These days no-one can afford to invest in superproductions like that any more, or so I thought until I came across Olive Green, an interactive action movie and English learning service by SuperMemo World. Judging from the trailer you'd think it was a proper feature film, which in fact it is (see IMDb entry), except that it has been created with learners of English in mind. DESCRIPTIONOlive Green is a ground-breaking combination of an interactive feature movie, a computer game and an English learning application.

The project, developed by SuperMemo World, one of the leading developers of online learning solutions, opens a brand new chapter in what is referred to as “edutainment”. Cours d'anglais, exercices, tests, ressources, grammaire. English as a Second Language Podcast. Word Pronunciation; Discover the Secrets to Speaking Clearly.

When you learn English, or any language, you can't forget about word pronunciation.

Word Pronunciation; Discover the Secrets to Speaking Clearly.

Remember: Grammar isn't everything. Making sure that your word pronunciation is good, allows you to communicate clearly and effectively with others. Surprisingly though, many students do not learn how to properly pronounce English words and many teachers do not emphasize proper pronunciation. Many students feel that they can not improve their pronunciation alone (without a teacher) but I believe that you can.

With the help of eEnglish (a 100% online program that provides you with 5 powerful courses) you can improve your pronunciation from the comfort of home and without a teacher correcting you. But before we start speaking about how to improve your pronunciation, I thought you might find a couple of videos by Amy Walker quite interesting. She speaks about how to learn different accents. So... what can you do to improve your English pronunciation? Additional Pronunciation Articles Google + Still looking?