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Qui pensez-vous être? Greg Goode m'éclaire sur "qui suis-je".

Qui pensez-vous être?

Un grand merci à Laya pour cette traduction (Il vous sera peut-être néessaire d'attendre quelques secondes avant que la vidéo ne puisse démarrer). Je pense que le mot "évidence" que Greg utilise à plusieurs reprises, peut signifier également "preuve". La première chose que nous croyons être est le corps. Si le corps meurt, je meurs, etc. L'investigation nous apprend que nous sommes avant tout présence que le corps soit là ou non. Le corps n'est de toute façon pas là par exemple déjà environ un tiers du temps durant le sommeil profond.

Le corps est un objet vu par quoi? Une fois encore Greg Goode nous rappelle que la conscience n'a pas de forme, il n'y a donc aucun moyen de la localiser contrairement à ce qu'on nous enseigne à l'école ou ailleurs. Vous êtes en fait ce dans quoi le corps apparaît. Dans l'expérience de "voir", il n'y a rien dans ce champ visuel qui dit: j'appartiens à quelqu'un, ni rien qui dit avoir des limites, coins, bords.

(About the image gallery) To be in harmony with emptiness is to be in harmony with all things. —Nagarjuna This site. Emptiness teachings are widely held to be liberating. The purpose of this site is to present the wide variety of these teachings in a way that will help make them accessible and relevant. Background. The emptiness teachings are deeply emancipating. Other directions.


Readings and Links. Standing as Awareness: The Direct Path New, Expanded Edition, Foreword by Jerry Katz.

Readings and Links

Non-Duality Press, October 2009. When you take a stand as awareness, you don't take yourself as an object such as the body or a personalized mind state, but as awareness itself. You come to experience awareness confirming your stand. This new edition retains the selection of dialogs from a decade of New York City nondual-dinners, but adds three new chapters on the fundamentals of the Direct Path, such as How to Stand as Awareness, Falling in Love with Awareness, and "The Witness - from Establishment to Final Collapse into Pure Consciousness.

" The new chapters include several experiments in awareness that can help establish and stabilize your experience that the world, body and the mind are nothing other than pure consciousness itself. Nondualism in Western Philosophy (PDF eBook; 34 pages, includes Table of Contents, bibliography and endnotes. Contents Include Nondualism, What’s Wrong with Dualism Anyway? Philosophical Consultation and Nondual Inquiry with Greg Goode. Nondual Emptiness Teachings. Why Emptiness?

Nondual Emptiness Teachings

Emptiness is another kind of nondual teaching. Emptiness teachings demonstrate that the "I," as well as everthing else, lacks inherent existence. The notion of lacking inherent existence has several senses. In one sense, empty things lack essence, which means that there is no intrinsic quality that makes a thing what it is. In another sense, empty things lack independence, which means that a thing does not exist on its own, apart from conditions, relations or cognition. According to Buddhism, when emptiness is realized, peace ensues. If the selflessness of phenomena is analyzed and if this analysis is cultivated, It causes the effect of attaining nirvana. One who is in harmony with emptiness is in harmony with all things. How Is Emptiness Nondual? The most common connotation of "nonduality" is "oneness" or "singularity.

" But there is another sense of "nonduality. " Early in my own study I began with this substitution in mind. Emptiness in Buddhism Back to top.