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Idle No More. - Priscilla Settee and Sheelah McLean mp4. David Suzuki Foundation letter of support for Idle No More | News. Dear Prime Minister Harper, Two years ago, under your leadership, Canada endorsed the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, despite initially voting against it at the UN General Assembly.

Canada's decision to reverse its position to support international efforts that recognize and protect the rights of indigenous peoples was heralded by your government as an important milestone on the road to respect and co-operation with Aboriginal Canadians. The official statement from the government on its decision to endorse the UN Declaration offered a strong commitment to Canada's First Nations, Inuit and Métis to work towards reconciliation and outlined an ambitious vision whereby the health and wellbeing of Canada's Aboriginal peoples were guaranteed and communities were empowered and supported. The commitments laid out in the UN Declaration and in subsequent promises by Canadian governments to Aboriginal communities across the country cannot be taken lightly.

Dr. (4) Facebook. (4) Facebook. (3) Facebook. Idle No More Edmonton Alberta Canada December 21, 2012. Friends of the Blood Tribe. (6) Facebook. (1) Facebook. Aboriginal. Makin' A Noise-Dedication To The Ancestors. Harper Launches Major First Nations Termination Plan: As Negotiating Tables Legitimize Canada’s Colonialism. The following editorial was originally featured in the First Nations Strategic Bulletin (FNSB), June-October 2012. You can view/download this latest edition of the FNSB by clicking the following link: FNSB June-October 2012 On September 4th the Harper government clearly signaled its intention to: 1) Focus all its efforts to assimilate First Nations into the existing federal and provincial orders of government of Canada; 2) Terminate the constitutionally protected and internationally recognized Inherent, Aboriginal and Treaty rights of First Nations.

Termination in this context means the ending of First Nations pre-existing sovereign status through federal coercion of First Nations into Land Claims and Self-Government Final Agreements that convert First Nations into municipalities, their reserves into fee simple lands and extinguishment of their Inherent, Aboriginal and Treaty Rights. To do this the Harper government announced three new policy measures: Then there are the Senate Public Bills: (1) Facebook. Hundreds attend peaceful 'Idle No More' protest, voice concerns over Bill C-45.

Linda Hoang , CTV Edmonton Published Tuesday, December 18, 2012 8:29PM MST Last Updated Wednesday, December 19, 2012 10:15AM MST Hundreds of First Nations activists and their supporters took part in a peaceful demonstration Tuesday night, voicing their opposition against the federal government’s omnibus budget bill. The flash mob and round dance at West Edmonton Mall was part of the local Idle No More movement, and is the latest in a number of demonstrations planned locally and across Canada. Protesters believe the rights of First Nations are being threatened by the Harper government’s budget Bill C-45, which changes land use and resource policies.

The group is also upset over the lack of consultation between the federal government and First Nations people. “It’s a movement, it’s a movement of solidarity, it’s a movement for nationhood and it’s a movement to address and protect our treaty rights as First Nations people.” With files from Rally in Standoff over Bill C-45 - News Hour - Videos | Global Lethbridge. A U.S. -based anti-terrorism group has posted a video on its Web site showing a training camp in rural Ontario allegedly attended by a group of Toronto men charged with plotting large-scale terrorist attacks in Toronto and Ottawa. The video, which was played inside a Brampton court earlier this year in the trial of 11 men charged with planning terrorist attacks in Canada, shows masked men wearing camouflage parkas, firing weapons and waving a black flag from atop a small hill in the snow-covered woodlands near Orillia, Ont., and chanting “Allahu Akbar.” The non-profit Nine-Eleven Finding Answers (NEFA) Foundation obtained the two-and-a-half minute video after it was played in a related trial in the United Kingdom.

It shows up to 10 men, their faces concealed either by parka hoods or Arabic scarves, marching through the snow, practising shooting and unarmed combat and evasive driving techniques, while Arabic music plays in the background. Prime Minister Harper named Honourary Chief of Blood Tribe June 2011. First Nations Under Surveillance. Internal documents from Indian Affairs and the RCMP show that shortly after forming government in January of 2006, Prime Minister Stephen Harper had the federal government tighten up on gathering and sharing intelligence on First Nations to anticipate and manage potential First Nation unrest across Canada.

Information obtained by Access to Information requests reveals that almost immediately upon taking power in 2006, the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) was given the lead role to spy on First Nations. The goal was to identify the First Nation leaders, participants and outside supporters of First Nation occupations and protests, and to closely monitor their actions. To accomplish this task, INAC established a “Hot Spot Reporting System.” These weekly reports highlight all those communities across the country that engage in direct action to protect their lands and communities. Fear of Aboriginal "Hotspots" Haudenosaunee/Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy. Canada's Inconvenient Truth.

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