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There was this girl.. The Publishing Process in GIF Form. At first you're thinking of writing a novel and you're all... But then you have an idea! And you go... But then you hit page 50 and you're all.... And then you hit page 75 and you're all... But you power through!! And then you're finished!!! Only then find out you have to start querying agents. So you write your query letter... You obsess over it... And then you send it out to agents and you're all... Then a couple of days go by and you're all... And... And... But then you hear from your first agent!! And it's a rejection. Then you get a few more and it's more like... But then! But you don't want your agent to think you're crazy so instead you're like... And you love your agent! But instead you go... And then it's time to submit to publishers. Then the editors start saying.... And your inbox starts looking like...

And you're all... But then your phone says your agent is calling. But instead it's more like... And it's an offer! And then you go celebrate with your friends and they're all... Brinnyart. Mayhem's Corner. nCage. 10 Creative Notecards To Express The Sarcasm In Your Life. We’ve all had Dear blank, please blank moments in our lives. If you don’t know what those are, just look at the notecards below. If you like sarcastic ironic humor, you’ll love the site which was started by Hans Johnson and Jared Wunsch. They don’t write the funny notes, they just approve the submissions.

It’s open for anyone to contribute. It’s basically a site where you can express your frustrations about daily life. The creative people over at Bored Panda wrote about this, and they, like me, had a bunch of funny ideas for their own Dear blank, please blank notes. Some of the images below are actual submissions, and some were created in Photoshop by Bored Panda just for fun. I can think of about ten of these notes I could write now, starting with the dude who cut me off in traffic this morning. Via: [Bored Panda] [Online Postcard Printing] Author: Diana Adams Diana has a passion for blogging and has written over 4,000 articles on Bit Rebels.

"Drunk-O-Vision LEGACY" by Streeter Seidell. You won't regret it... The Loney Infermo - Sea Cow.