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Organic Almond Baby Oil: Chemistry, Uses, and Benefits - Let's begin with a fun fact; did you know almond is considered to be the ‘king of nuts’?

Organic Almond Baby Oil: Chemistry, Uses, and Benefits -

It’s full of fiber, healthy fats, phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals that make it a nutritional powerhouse. It’s hardly a surprise then that the oil derived from this nut has gained prominence for the immense benefits it has on a baby’s skin, hair, and body. The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about babies is how soft, delicate, and sensitive they are. As a parent, you are willing to do just anything in the world to protect their skin from any harm – be it the mosquito bites, the harsh sunlight, or the rough edges of a cloth.

In an attempt to keep your baby’s skin soft and supple, you scan through all the products like your life depends on it. That’s when the good old organic almond oil comes into the picture. Boost Your Baby's Immunity This Summer Season: 4 Tips To Consider. Summer season is never easy for anyone and if you are a parent of a newborn or have an infant at home, you are bound to be frantic about how to keep your little baby cool during this time.

Boost Your Baby's Immunity This Summer Season: 4 Tips To Consider

Fret not and relax! The best way you can make them fight off skin problems and seasonal illnesses is by developing their immune system. While your grand mom must have definitely given you some home remedies to increase your baby’s immunity, here we share some easy tips to supercharge your baby’s immunity and keep them comfortable in the hot summers: 1. Give your baby the colostrum boost: Nothing can replace the goodness and rich nutrients of mother’s milk. 3 Baby Massaging Techniques Every Parent Should Know. Massaging a baby with oil to build their strength and immunity is an age-old wisdom.

3 Baby Massaging Techniques Every Parent Should Know

However, new parents tend to hesitate on it as they are a bit scared (for the lack of a better word) of doing it the wrong way. But, contrary to usual perception, massaging a baby is easy to learn and relatively intuitive. Oftentimes, parents comfort their children with soothing backrubs and belly rubs. Massaging is all about rubbing the baby's limbs with regular strokes in a firm yet gentle way. New parents can also ace the art of massaging their baby with the help of the techniques explained below. Baby lotions for Newborns: Why and How. This gives the baby's skin a dry, flaky appearance even though the skin below this layer is moist enough.

Baby lotions for Newborns: Why and How

It is a good idea to apply a natural moisturiser on babies' skin as it starts losing its natural protective cover and becomes exposed to dry air. Baby lotions are the best way to soothe delicate baby skin and help cure skin irritations. Having said that, parents must make sure that the moisturiser they apply on their little one's super delicate skin is absolutely safe, natural, and harmless. Most of the commercially available moisturising lotions for babies these days are loaded with harmful chemicals, preservatives, and artificial fragrances that can do more harm to the baby's delicate skin than good. One can use olive oil or petroleum jelly or any other vitamin A-D enriched cream recommended by the doctor.

Baby Skin Care: Combat Dryness with 3 Organic Ingredients – For mothers, delivering a baby is a bitter-sweet experience.

Baby Skin Care: Combat Dryness with 3 Organic Ingredients –

As soon as the nurse cuts the umbilical-cord connecting the mother and the child, she experiences a tinge of pain in her heart as deep down she knows that her baby is somewhere disconnected from that biological nourishing embrace. Of course, one cannot deny the snugly warmth she experiences when she finally gets to see her baby right in her arms. And that’s exactly the moment when she makes a mental reminder in her brain to take care of every minuscule detail for her little bundle of joy. All those late-night baby-cajoling sessions, potty-littered diapers, unexpected vomits, etc., take a backseat when she sees that face laden with charm, innocence, and oodles of cuteness. One can only fathom then how important it is for a mother to provide that motherly nourishment with the right kind of organic products. Fret not, combating dry skin isn’t as difficult as you think if you know the perfect formula of baby skin-care. 4 Fun Activities to Engage in With Your 6-12 Month Old.

The months between 6 and 12 are extremely crucial for a baby.

4 Fun Activities to Engage in With Your 6-12 Month Old

It is during this time that babies develop their cognitive skills. Babies usually start crawling, and some even begin to walk during this period. That’s why mothers need to take this period quite seriously and try to indulge the baby in activities that promote the baby’s health, will keep the baby busy, and lead to overall growth. Apart from physical activities, you should also ensure the use of safe products like organic baby toiletries.

Baby Milestones That Make Every Parent Overwhelmed With Joy Article. As parents, it is quite normal to spend most of the time worrying about meeting our children's basic needs and requirements, sniffing out only the best enrichment classes, and looking for that perfect primary school that is going to mould them for the future.

Baby Milestones That Make Every Parent Overwhelmed With Joy Article

While we are anxious to provide only the best for our little ones, how do we know that they are actually happy? Childhood should be a bag full of happy memories to hold on to. So let your child indulge in carefree play and live a life filled with wonder, innocence, and adventure before the daily hassles of study, work and life get to them. To be fair, it doesn't take much to make your little one smile. In fact, with every milestone your baby reaches after birth, you'll sure be overwhelmed with joy and we're here to tell you how and when! When they smile for the first time. Your Toddler Hates Hair Washing? Time to End the Struggle! - V-Magz. A comprehensive body wash ritual is an integral part of a baby’s skin and health care.

Your Toddler Hates Hair Washing? Time to End the Struggle! - V-Magz

Hair washing is also required during the bath to rid the baby’s tender tresses and scalp of harmful germs so that they are squeaky clean from head to toe. However, this activity also happens to be one of the most precarious ones, especially for new and inexperienced parents. It is noticed that toddlers usually enjoy bath time as they get to play with water. But as often happens, all hell breaks loose if they get their hair washed. What Does It Take To Be COSMOS ORGANIC Certified? Baby Care 11th September 2020 #BabyMassage#Goodnessme#OrganicBabyOil#OrganicBabyProducts#OrganicCoconutOil The mantra of the modern times can be summed up in three succinct words, “Back to Nature”.

What Does It Take To Be COSMOS ORGANIC Certified?

More and more consumers are now becoming aware of the benefits of a natural lifestyle and have started to read the labels of all food and lifestyle products. Buy Super Mild Certified Organic Baby Soap. Know the key differences between a baby lotion and a baby cream - Caring for a newborn baby or an infant comes with a host of decisions that you as a new parent will be called upon to make.

Know the key differences between a baby lotion and a baby cream -

Some of the most important among these will be the products that you pick for your little ones. Dermatologists say that a baby’s skin is very dry and prone to a number of skin conditions, but is also very resilient. This makes it very important to use a good hydrating moisturizer or baby cream. Temper Tantrum in Toddlers - How To Restore Peace - Sonia Singh. Being a parent is a blessing, but it also comes with a set of responsibilities. There will be times when your newborn will throw themselves to the ground, scream their lungs out, and even kick their feet! However, you're not alone in this. Kids tend to throw tantrums every once in a while, but what is important is to know how to restore peace. Preparing for the grocery store trip. 3 Tips to Improve Your Mental Health as a New Mommy. The joys of motherhood are unlike any other. From the moment you become aware of the new life within you, your life changes in multiple ways. Your physical, mental and emotional well-being becomes a priority for the whole family.

As you move through each trimester of your pregnancy, you tend to focus more on your physical health. Before and after birthing, you have a wonderful time bonding with your little bundle of joy. Why You Must Choose Only Certified Organic Baby Bath Products - Sonia Singh. “Oh, I can’t believe it’s true. She/he is FINALLY here!” “Look at her tiny fingers. Oh my goodness, how cute do they look!” “See, her/his skin is oh-so-soft!” Sounds familiar? Yes, this is how you start framing your emotions when your little bundle of joy first arrives. 5 Not-so-common Causes of Diaper Rashes Article.

It appears as a patchwork of bright red skin on newborns’ bottom area. Even though anyone who wears diapers regularly may develop such a condition, diaper rashes are often related to skin sensitivity, chafing and wetness or infrequently changed diapers. What’s worse, diaper rashes can cause babies to feel very uncomfortable and cranky, affecting their overall well-being. That's why, it is important to know and understand the uncommon causes of dermatitis before finding the right solutions. Ensuring Organic Goodness: 4 Ingredients to Watch Out For in Baby Care Products.

Those nine months spent in anticipation and anxiety seem to be all worth the overwhelming feeling now that the little one is in your arms. Among all the love is the fierce sense of protection and the will to provide the best and most gentle care for the baby. This includes the little things like giving them a sponge bath, wrapping them up nice and cosy, feeding them, and taking good care of their skin. Hacks To Keep Your Baby’s Skin Healthy In Summers. Summers can be really frustrating for the parents, as the extreme temperature may have an adverse effect on the baby’s skin.

Apart from having delicate and underdeveloped skin, babies generally lack the ability to keep their body temperature regulated. As a result of this, the baby’s body warms up easily, resulting in excessive sweating. Your comprehensive guide to choosing the best soap for your baby. Bathing is essential for baby care, especially in tropical climates. If your baby doesn’t get a proper bath, the dust and sweat will settle down on his/her skin and cause unwanted complications.

But if you use a bad soap loaded with harmful chemicals, it may turn their skin dry and cause serious skin conditions. Indeed, the world of baby care products can be a daunting place for new parents as there are a plethora of attractive products out there making lofty claims. 4 Not-so-common Uses of a Diaper Rash Cream. Organic Olive Oil for Babies: Skin Nourishment, Protection and Rejuvenation. 4 Reasons to Buy Certified Organic Baby Products - Organic Baby Care: Super-pure, super-safe and super-effective. 2 Organic Certifications to Consider While Buying Baby Care Products. Are they getting enough milk? Should you include formula milk in their diet? Looking for the Best Organic Massage Oil for Babies? Check This Out. New-borns are fragile and need a lot of care and attention in the initial stages of life. New parents are at the receiving end of a million pieces of advice and suggestions from relatives and friends for the best baby care practices. Things To Take Into Account Before Buying A Certified Organic Baby Head-to-Toe Baby Wash.

There are so many options to choose from when it comes to baby skincare products such as soaps, lotions, body washes, and even shampoos. However, parents need to ensure that the products they are choosing are the best for their babies, and not cause any side effects or harm in the long run. Hydrate Your Baby's Skin with Organic Aloe Vera. Say NO To Baby Diaper Rash: 3 Remedial Solutions To Consider. Beat the Heat: 6 Baby Skincare Products to Look Out for In Summers. Bring The Best Natural Diaper Rash Cream. Bring Organic Baby Oil For A Healthy Massage. Bring The Best Natural Oil For Baby Skin Now!! The Basics of Organic Vs Natural. 5 Organic Ingredients That Make Amazing Natural Moisturizers for Your Baby's Skin. The Magical Touch: Benefits of Massaging Your Baby With Organic Baby Oil. Your Baby Deserves the Most Natural Care: Say Goodbye To 2 Harmful Chemicals.

Uses and Benefits of Certified Organic Multi-Purpose Baby Cream. Bathing Your Newborn: Master The Art With Certified Organic Baby Care Products. Revolutionising Parenting: Easy Ways to Embrace 'Green' Buy Natural Moisturizer for Baby Skin Online. Baby Hair Care: 3 Tips and Tricks to Follow. Abate Your Carbon Footprint the Organic Way. Perfect Baby-Care Routine: 4 Organic Ingredients to Consider. Shop ECOCERT Certified Organic Baby Lotion Online. Shop Natural Organic Baby Shampoo For Newborn. Buy Certified Organic Baby Soap Online. Buy ECOCERT Certified Organic Multi-purpose Baby Cream. Get Certified Organic Baby Oil For Your Baby. Explore A Wide Range Of Organic Baby Products For Your New Born Baby.