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5 UX Design Trends Every Web Designer Should Know - UX is about delivering greater user satisfaction and pleasure by making the software more usable, accessible, and straightforward.

5 UX Design Trends Every Web Designer Should Know -

As each year goes by, UX design becomes more and more sophisticated, with us seeing new tools, new frameworks, new technologies, and the latest trends. When it comes to the user experience of a website, we always strive to improve it. It’s for this purpose that we don’t hesitate to test new UX trends as designers. Again, it’s for this reason that we keep a keen eye on some current UX trends and those that we should follow in the coming years. Below, we’ve hand-picked some of the top UX trends every designer should currently know about. Top Ways to Dazzle Millennials with Great Web Design - A strong argument can be made claiming that everyone has their own thoughts on what is appealing and what isn’t.

Top Ways to Dazzle Millennials with Great Web Design -

Different demographic groups have their very own preferences on how to approach situations, which ultimately enables web designers to categorise whether these actions are/aren’t suitable for that certain demographic. However, there are some ways to captivate millennials, who are in fact becoming one of the most influential groups in modern culture. Stay up to date Millennials consider themselves to be hugely tech savvy, which makes them keen to respond to sites. Template vs Bespoke Website Designs. Creating an online presence for your company is no longer invaluable and relevant; it has become necessary for success.

Template vs Bespoke Website Designs

A website may be the very first impression a potential customer has with your company or organization, and so it is paramount that it is presented in a professional and clean light. By doing so, you are essentially establishing trust with your target audience and helping to build a positive first impression. Do you want to create a website for your business?

There are generally two options here. You can either purchase a pre-built template or have one specially built for your business’ needs, creating a bespoke identity that your users can recognize you by. Top Ways to Make Your Website GDPR Compliant. Before we delve into how you can make your website GDPR compliant, we should probably explain it.

Top Ways to Make Your Website GDPR Compliant

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new EU regulation that is ultimately aimed at helping to strengthen data protection for EU citizens and residents both within the EU and the rest of the world. In simple terms, it’s shouting to businesses and organizations, “If you wish to cater your products or services to customers who are citizens in the EU, you need to make it a priority to look after their data.” Necessarily, anyone who collects and processes personal data will need to comply with the new regulations. In addition to organizations and businesses that run websites or apps, those who use internal databases, CRMs, or even plain old email will need to comply with these regulations. Overall, the GPDR is an extensive document, though we’ve gathered some of the most important and relevant points below.

The GDPR replaced the data protection directive from 1995. Top Signs It’s Time For A Website Redesign. Start-up advice: A digital marketing guide. The success of a start-up normally depends on its approach to marketing.

Start-up advice: A digital marketing guide

Though, usually the vast majority of founders have little or no experience managing a marketing strategy/budget. How do you overcome this problem? Planning of course! Web design hacks: Tasty alternatives to the hamburger icon. While using a mobile to browse online, screen space is essential.

Web design hacks: Tasty alternatives to the hamburger icon

To overcome the challenge of a small screen, designers often use the hamburger icon to hide navigation. During this article, we will delve deeper into how and why hidden navigation results in bad UX, and what alternatives can be used by designers to avoid inaccessible shipping. 10 Web Design Trends for 2018. In 2017, we saw some of the most crucial web design trends since the birth of the internet, from non-traditional navigation to heroic imagery.

10 Web Design Trends for 2018

True enough, patterns are known to change in all creative fields, with web design being no different. About this forever growing field, we’ve put together what we believe are the ten most important trends to monitor in web design over the next year. We predict that designing for mobiles before larger screens will be a trend in 2018.

While this trend won’t be new to 2018, mobile phones have now been officially named as the primary devices used for browsing the web. Therefore more companies realize how important it is to deliver effective and quality content for a smaller screen. 10 SEO Tips That Can Impact Your Rankings. Recently, Purna Virji wrote a refreshing piece on the right way to think Recently, Purna Virji wrote a refreshing piece about SEO in the right way.

10 SEO Tips That Can Impact Your Rankings

In short, forget about silver tablets and focus on quality. Expanding her approach, focus on video SEO and talk about how you can affect your ranking. VR is Changing the World of Web Design. It seems that every time we go online, we present another blog about VR (virtual reality) and are sad for you; Today is no different!

VR is Changing the World of Web Design

Here, at Gomie Design, we explore the impact that VR has on the digital world; Developing into something more than a marketing gimmick. So no further questions; This is why web designers around the world need to start reaching out. VR makes browsers beautiful. Many of us have felt so different from the VR movement that we do not have all the equipment; we do not have the right headphones or applications. What you should learn from the man who lost $600,000 on Facebook ads. Raj Kapoor Brar runs a publishing company called Fateopolis.

What you should learn from the man who lost $600,000 on Facebook ads

Her titles, such as Fashion Style Mag, have millions of fans on Facebook. With Facebook working for him, he decided to double down and launched a massive Facebook advertising campaign. He did some tests and showed 2-3x return potential on his Facebook ads. After four days, he spent over $ 600,000 on Facebook ads.

His return? Magento vs PrestaShop. When you know that you need to choose the right eCommerce platform, it is essential to look at the best options. A good look at Magento vs. PrestaShop will help you get closer to the right choice. After comparing the two, you will have a better idea of ​​which one meets your needs. Here some hard work has been done for you, and here we are compared to Magento and PrestaShop. Top 3 UX Design Deliverables. Facebook launches live streaming and video chat features.

Facebook announced new features this week for its mobile gaming offer, which Google is successfully competing with and likes to do. Building on its instant games product, Facebook is fast becoming a fully integrated platform; One that players are starting to take more seriously than ever before. So what are the instant games? Instant Games is a tool that allows its users to play HTML5 games in Facebook Messenger as well as their news feed. For an optimal match, players do not need to download anything and divert to another site.

Already poised for its sleek development, Facebook has now taken it a step further, launching a live-streaming feature last Friday. But why new thing? Facebook was once a website when it sought to chat online and connect with friends over the past decade. Google - Year in Search 2017. As 2017 draws to a close, Google have released their annual ‘Year in Search’. With the list separated into several sections, we at Gomie Design bring you the top ten in various categories, offering you a superb and somewhat nostalgic insight into the past twelve months. The ten top trending searches cover everything from global tragedies such as the Manchester bombing, Hurricane Irma and the Grenfell Tower fire right through to the latest iPhone releases. September’s launch of the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus was swiftly followed in November by the release of the iPhone X; released to mark the tenth anniversary of the first iPhone.

Gomie Design