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I have to watch 4 hours of German media (Talk show, news, soap, documentary etc) Any recommendations, preferably with subtitles? : germany. German children mistakes : German. Books - German. Tips for starting to read : German. Amazon. K/lg - DACH. For those who've taken German language exams... : German. Deutschprüfungen - Goethe-Zertifikat C1 - Übungs- und Infomaterial - Goethe-Institut  B2 to C1 (Writing) : German. Deutsch für dich. Deutsch Lernen. 10 German Jokes That Are Actually Funny. If you thought that the Germans are not a funny group, then check out these hilarious jokes and have a laugh!

10 German Jokes That Are Actually Funny

1. They have kangaroos in Germany? English translation: — Can a kangaroo jump higher than a house? Learn German with Ania. Which Books for A1/beginning A2? / Which kids book for which level? : German. German TV shows with english subtitles. : German. Stuck at B2/C1, tips to improve? : German. Neujahrswünsche « atlas-alltagssprache. Neujahrswünsche a) in der Silvesternacht um 0:00 Uhr, wenn man auf das neue Jahr anstößt (Frage 1a) Zu Beginn des neuen Jahrs wünscht man sich ein positives neues Jahr, dieser Wunsch wird aber regional unterschiedlich formuliert.

Neujahrswünsche « atlas-alltagssprache

Im Norden Deutschlands, in Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und Niedersachsen, wird in der Silversternacht vorwiegend Frohes neues Jahr gewünscht, in Nordrhein-Westfalen sowie im nördlichen Ostbelgien heißt es praktisch ausschließlich so. Die Abkürzung Frohes neues scheint dabei überall vorzukommen, aber besonders im Ruhrgebiet üblich zu sein. Bei Prost Neujahr (aus lat. prosit ‘es möge nützlich sein’, wahrscheinlich Anfang des 18. B) für den Wunsch am 1. Der am 1. German for English SpeakersGerman for English Speakers. Practise German free of charge. Gratis Online Deutschkurs - Online Deutsch lernen kostenlos. Der Online-Deutschkurs der DeutschAkademie ist der umfassendste Grammatiktrainer der deutschen Sprache und ist gratis.

Gratis Online Deutschkurs - Online Deutsch lernen kostenlos

What are your favourite german TV show? : German. German: Learn Languages for Free. Learn German for free online.

German: Learn Languages for Free

Download free audio lessons to your computer or mp3 player and start learning German instantly. To learn more languages, please visit our complete collection of Free Language Lessons.Deutsch - warum nicht? - Web SiteAn extensive collection of introductory German lessons put together by Deutsche Welle.Audio Trainer - Web siteHelps you learn basic vocabulary that is useful for everyday life and improve your pronunciation. The 100 lessons are the result of a collaborative effort between Deutsche Welle and the Goethe-Verlag.Deutsch im Blick - Web siteA free online textbook for learning German from the University of Texas. To learn more languages, please visit our collection: Learn Languages for Free: Spanish, English, Chinese & Beyond.

Support Open Culture We're hoping to rely on our loyal readers rather than erratic ads. Berlin Calling (2008) What do I do after Duolingo? : German. How can I say "even" in German? : German. Thegermanquiz. Writing home to German parents - help correcting my horrible Deutsch? : German. COMICS und CARTOONS. German: Learn Languages for Free. German Courses.

German Verb Conjugation. Bahar Ra. [ DOKU ] Deutschland von oben 1.Staffel 2010 (mit Deutsch Untertitel von ZDF) ~ Phim Đức. 5 Ways To Learn German With Spotify. Spotify is a well-known music subscription service, popular for its huge catalog and user-curated playlists.

5 Ways To Learn German With Spotify

But did you know that it can also be a great tool for learning German? Even with a free account (advertising-based) you can use the following 3 tips to learn German with Spotify. 1. Listen To German Music: Browse, Explore & Discover! Languages are embedded in culture. You could just browse through a listing of German artists on Wikipedia by Genre and learn about different musical and cultural movements at the same time, then look the artists up on Spotify. If you’d rather start out by listening than reading, YouTube can be a great spring board for initial discovery. German courses. Searching for a good german series, what is not too old, and has some quality, enjoyable. : German.

Here are the scripts for the Türkisch für Anfänger TV show. (In German) : German. Deutsch für dich - Goethe-Institut. Dative Verbs - German for English SpeakersGerman for English Speakers. Hallo sagen auf Deutsch! Wie kann man jemanden begrüßen? — Deutschbox. Du lernst Deutsch?

Hallo sagen auf Deutsch! Wie kann man jemanden begrüßen? — Deutschbox

Dann musst du unbedingt wissen, wie man andere Personen begrüßt! Wie sagt man Hallo? Was sagt man am Morgen und was am Abend? Es gibt so viele Möglichkeiten! Was ist höflich, was benutzt man nur unter Freunden? Wann sagt man es? Man kann das immer sagen. List of Sites to Watch German Videos, TV Shows, and Movies Online (most are free)

Ok, I’m going to maintain a list here of all the websites where you can watch German videos (of whatever content: TV shows, news, random YouTube stuff someone created, etc.) online with a strong emphasis on free (if it costs money it’s going to have to be damned good).

List of Sites to Watch German Videos, TV Shows, and Movies Online (most are free)

The purpose of this is to help other people who, like me, are learning German and believe that using popular media like TV shows, music videos, and such is a great way to go about learning a language. This list will be continuously updated, with many new sites being added as I discover them and people are kind enough to tell me about them via e-mail and the comments section below (if you know a good site that’s not here, please let me know, I’ll give you credit!) , and with any dead links being removed as I find out about them. Let’s get started. TV Stations that Offer Free Streaming Videos of Their Content Useful vocabulary to help you navigate their sites “Alle Zeigen” – Show All. 30 Essential German Films You Need To Watch. Germany has been a vital contributor to the history of cinema right from the beginning, hitting the ground running when the first cinema for a paying audience in the world was opened in 1895 in Berlin.

30 Essential German Films You Need To Watch

It was, however, during the interwar period that the social atmosphere relaxed and inspired film-makers created the Golden Age of German film-making. ‘The Cabinet of Dr Caligari’ and ‘Nosferatu’ almost single-handedly established horror as an independent genre. Fritz Lang’s Metropolis still stands tall as the godfather of all science-fiction movies. ‘The Blue Angel’ made Marlene Dietrich an international star, and she still ranks high on any essential female stars of all time list. Everything came to an abrupt halt with World War II, most directors fled to Hollywood with few returning after the war. The first signs of true recovery came with what is now known as New German Cinema, one of the many “new waves” which occur constantly in national cinemas around the world. 30. 7 German TV Series To Help You Learn German.

Tired of struggling with irregular verbs and breaking your head over declension rules?

7 German TV Series To Help You Learn German

Why not put your textbook aside for a while and watch some German TV series? Even if you don’t understand everything at first, you’ll be surprised how much you can glean just from body-language, mimicry and context. In this post, I’d like to showcase a few German TV series which are both popular among native audience and might be a good starting point for German language learners. I'm searching for "simple" literature and beginner texts. : German. Beginner-level German worksheets. These free beginner-level German worksheets provide supplemental practice for German students.

Beginner-level German worksheets

They are not enough on their own to learn German, but are intended as additional practice to complement a regular textbook or German course. All of these beginner-level German worksheets are in Windows Word format. The answers to the exercises, if available, are found on a separate sheet with each file. The text files and activities created by are for private or classroom use only and may not be used in any publication or for-profit purpose without the author’s prior written consent. By downloading or copying these files, you agree to these terms of use. Creating the materials on this website has taken hundreds of hours of unpaid work, and while is a labor of love, a small Paypal donation would be greatly appreciated if you have found the materials on this website to be of use to you.

I. 1. 2. Online - Online-Deutschkurse von DUO. The Deutsch-Uni Online is a webportal for learning German! DUO is the perfect solution, if you want to improve your knowledge of German and prepare for your stay in Germany. If you wish to study, research, or work in a German-speaking country, the DUO German courses offer all the knowledge necessary – covering language, knowledge about culture and everyday life, and subject-specific skills.

To the DUO Courses: Basic Level (basis-deutsch): language courses for acquiring basic knowledge of German Intermediate Level (uni-deutsch): German courses as a preparation for your studies in Germany Advanced Level (fach-deutsch): subject-specific language skills and knowledge Business Courses (profi-deutsch): business language courses for a successful career entry in Germany. “Today, I feel like a Greek” Director Akin in Athens: “I am a storyteller, not a politician” | Photo: Vangelis Patsialos With The Cut, Fatih Akin approaches a precarious topic: the genocide of Armenians. He now also presented the film in Greece. In our interview, the Hamburg filmmaker speaks about political films, his marriage to Turkey and his dalliance with Greece.

The film “The Cut” completes your “Love, Death and the Devil” trilogy in which you focus on Turkish society. Plurals and 'Das Leben der Anderen' : German. Start: DVV Migrationsportal. How much German did I really learn in two weeks with Duolingo? What I've experienced speed-learning German with Duolingo and taking it to Germany. : duolingo. Gratis Online Deutschkurs - Online Deutsch lernen kostenlos. 18 Weird German Words You Won't Believe Exist.

The road to German fluency is full of twists and turns. Thanks to its lifelong love affair with compound nouns, the German language has smashed all manner of words together to form new, unique vocabulary. It’s no small wonder that German boasts many unique, highly-specific words that have no literal English translation. German learners have to slog through learning masculine and feminine words, challenging pronunciations, complex word order and curious vocabulary words. It’s a lot of work. You guy deserve some reward for all your hard work. Luckily, you do have the special prize of learning fantastically creative new ways to express yourselves. Deutsch-lernen und noch mehr. Goethe-Institut - Deutsch lernen - À propos. List of Sites to Watch German Videos, TV Shows, and Movies Online (most are free) In der neuen Video-Reihe „Studieren in... - Goethe-Institut İstanbul. Se connecter à Facebook. Online Deutschlernen: A2/B2. Sprachniveau A2 Längst haben sich Trendforscher mit dem Thema Nahrung und Essen beschäftigt - mit einigen interessanten Entwicklungen.

Die Deutschen entsorgen jedes Jahr 20 Millionen Tonnen Lebensmittel. Mit den Abfällen Europas könnte man alle Hungernden der Erde zweimal ernähren, schreiben Stefan Kreutzberger und Valentin Thurn in ihrem Buch "Die Essensvernichter". Das Thema wird in allen Medien heiß diskutiert. Flexitarier zeigen Verantwortung Eine Entwicklung ist die Selbstbeschränkung, wie sie die sogenannten Flexitarier demonstrieren. Selber machen Selbstgemachtes wird immer wichtiger. Weniger wegwerfen Das Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum steht auf allen Lebensmittelverpackungen. I want to learn German as quick as possible and would be happy to recieve any kind of advice. : German. Las palabras de amor … how to speak about love in the other languages? - FlashSticks. Love is the glorious feeling we all crave to experience.

Love makes us do incredible things… and some very silly things! Love makes us feel happy, races through our veins and rules our whole body. Once you are in love, your world changes… Love is one of the most important topics we use in our everyday conversations… If you would like to express your feelings to someone you love in a foreign language, below is a short list of ways you might say ‘I love you’ in French, German, Italian and Spanish. ‘I love you’ in… Oxford Language Dictionaries Online. The following information about writing letters in German is not exhaustive, but should be regarded as helping to make your letters more "German" and, very importantly, to avoid misunderstanding or misinterpretation. Being familiar with some of the conventions of German letter-writing will also be useful when you receive letters in German or English from German native-speakers. Laying out the letter: Formal letters If you are writing on plain paper, you should either put your name and address at the top left and the date on the right, or put the address on the right with the date underneath.

A letterhead is usually positioned in the middle, in which case you can put the date on the right-hand side beneath it. Write your name without title; on the next line comes the street followed by the house number; then comes the postcode (die Postleitzahl) followed by the name of the town. How to Say Happy Birthday in German (with Examples and Songs)

What are some English language movies in which there are characters who speak German...? : German. 23 German Slang Words Your Textbook Isn't Teaching You. Think about all the English slang you use with friends on a daily basis. How many of these slang words do you think show up in basic English textbooks? Well, the German heard on the streets ain’t the stuffy language contained in your textbooks either. Sure, learning the rules of word order, proper pronunciation and compound nouns will help you get a good grasp on German. After you’ve been studying for a while, you’ll want to speak German in a cool, casual manner — like a native. When you feel that urge, it’s definitely time to ditch the books for a while and refocus your energy on authentic, modern-day German slang expressions.

The expressions listed here include words borrowed from other languages, silly derivative words, condensed phrases and even guttural sounds that simply don’t get textbook editor approval. This slang is one step beyond the more tame slang expressions deemed appropriate for beginning language learners. Ciao Servus! Grüß Gott! Greet God! Deutsch - warum nicht? Downloadable German Worksheets : LANL_German. 5 Ways To Learn German For Free. Are you looking for a way to learn German for free? German - The Official /int/ How to Learn A Foreign Language Guide Wiki. German (Deutsch [ˈdɔʏtʃ] ([1] listen)) is a West Germanic language and is closely related to and classified alongside English, Dutch, and the Frisian languages. To a lesser extent, it is also related to the East (extinct) and North Germanic languages.

Most German vocabulary is derived from the Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family.[5] Significant minorities of words are derived from Latin and Greek, with a smaller Around the world, German has approximately 100 million native speakers and also about 80 million non-native speakers.[6] German is the main language of about 90 million people (18%) in the EU. 67% of German citizens claim to be able to communicate in at least one foreign language, 27% in at least two languages other than their own. Resources Edit Assimil Edit Available for beginners. Rosetta Stone. The Four German Cases: Summary. Guten Tag. Ich Help bitte. : LANL_German. GCSE Bitesize - German. Some German Video sites you all may like : LANL_German. DAF - DAZ.