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Échanges sur la permaculture. Where Does Your Water Come From | All Hands on Earth. BBC How To Grow A Planet, Life from Light. Vidéo perma urbaines. L'Arbre & biodiversité en ville. Articles de fond. Resources1. Energy Bulletin. Welcome | ClimateWatch. Gypsum and Clay Factsheet - Gardening Australia - ABC. Heavy sticky clay soil is difficult to cultivate. The traditional method of breaking down clay is to incorporate lots of organic matter into the soil and to add gypsum, a powdery natural mineral (calcium sulphate). This changes the soil structure from big clods to a fine, easily worked texture which makes gardening easier and improves drainage. Gypsum also releases minerals within the soil structure from the clay particles so that they become available for plant nutrition. It is important to use natural gypsum, not the white builder's gypsum, for this purpose.

However, not all clays respond well to gypsum. EMERSON DISPERSION TEST: Drop a piece of dry soil aggregate, about 6mm across, into a glass of rainwater. If you have soils which respond to the Emerson dispersion test, add gypsum at a rate of 0.5 - 1kg per square metre, digging it in well. It's a good idea to add lots of organic matter as a mulch after digging in the gypsum, or to grow and dig in a green manure crop. Soilfoodweb. Géoportail - le portail des territoires et des citoyens.