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NookColor working apps. Calibre.devices.usbms.driver. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __license__ = 'GPL v3'__copyright__ = '2009, John Schember <john at>'__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en' '''Generic USB Mass storage device driver. This is not a complete stand alonedriver. [docs]defupload_cover(self,path,filename,metadata,filepath):''' Upload book cover to the device.

Default implementation does nothing. :param path: The full path to the directory where the associated book is located. :param filename: The name of the book file without the extension. :param metadata: metadata belonging to the book. Defadd_books_to_metadata(self,locations,metadata,booklists):debug_print('USBMS: adding metadata for %d books'%(len(metadata)))metadata=iter(metadata)fori,locationinenumerate(locations):self.report_progress((i+1)/float(len(locations)),_('Adding books to device metadata listing...'))[1]=='cardb'else1iflocation[1]=='carda'else0# Extract the correct prefix from the pathname. Circumventing Barnes & Noble DRM for EPUB. In a move sure to leave consumers scratching their heads (especially the ones already wondering why they bought a Nook), Barnes & Noble has decided to implement their own DRM scheme for EPUB books.

They partnered with Adobe to do it (it’s a variant of their ADEPT scheme), and all the Adobe SDK users will get access to it eventually. But for now much hilarity ensues as consumers buy books they can’t read on their devices. The basic idea behind the B&N EPUB scheme is the same as that used by the ill-fated eReader format B&N acquired – step 1: generate an encryption key from the book-purchaser’s name + credit card #; step 2: hope that they don’t like giving that information out to strangers.

They like to call this a form of “social DRM,” although I believe a more appropriate term is “silly.” So now three scripts: A Windows-only key-retrieval script: ignoblekey (version 2) An any-platform key-generation script: ignoblekeygen (version 1) For good only, please.

NOOK root

[GUI Plugin] Goodreads Sync - Page 20. At least partly due to fabulously generous donation received yesterday (Keith M - you totally made my week!) I've spent today making a start on the next version of this plugin. Here is a screenshot of the new configuration dialog and an overview of my thoughts... The first thing you see is that I have integrated the editing of tags associated with Goodreads shelves directly into the shelf list.

There were historical reasons why this used to be on a separate dialog launched via a button, but they don't apply any more. The second thing of far more importance is the column of "Shelf Add Actions". I have always seen "Add to shelf" and "Sync from shelf" as being almost mutually exclusive in the userbase in normal usage. You will also be able to multi-select shelves on that configuration screen, so as to setup either sync actions or shelf add actions for multiple shelves to be the same in a single step. Custom Column as Input for Plugboard? I was recently told off by a certain kiwidude for including series information in the title field (eg. HGTTG 01 - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy). Part of my reason for doing this has been to change the way it is displayed on my Kindle. kiwidude, however, kindly informed me that plugboards were the way to achieve that end without turning the Title field into alphabet soup.

Here's the rub: it's not as simple as taking one of the plugboards recipes stickied above which simply extracts series data and inserts it into the Title field upon transfer to the Kindle. This is what I have now: Code: Title: Series: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy [1] What I want is for the Title field on the Kindle to display: HGTTG 01 - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy What I'm thinking is that I need to create an additional column (let's say, "Abbr Series" (#abbrseries)) and refer to it in the plugboard instead of the regular Series column.