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A Method for Reducing Contention and Overhead in Worker Queues for Multithreaded Java Applications (The Java Source) A Method for Reducing Contention and Overhead in Worker Queues for Multithreaded Java Applications A article, rich in practical resources, by IBM India Labs’ Sathiskumar Palaniappan, Kavitha Varadarajan, and Jayashree Viswanathan, explores the challenge of writing code in a way that that effectively makes use of the resources of modern multicore processors and multiprocessor servers.

A Method for Reducing Contention and Overhead in Worker Queues for Multithreaded Java Applications (The Java Source)

As the article states: Understanding the Java 7 Fork/Join Framework (The Java Source) An incisive and timely article by Julien Ponge, an Associate Professor in computer science at INSA de Lyon, titled “Fork and Join: Java Can Excel at Painless Parallel Programming, Too!”

Understanding the Java 7 Fork/Join Framework (The Java Source)

Offers a detailed exploration of the new Java 7 fork/join framework. It begins with an explanation of low-level mechanisms involved in Java concurrent programming, then explores the rich primitives of the java.util.concurrent packages, and presents fork/join tasks plus example usage of the new APIs. From the article itself: “To illustrate the usage of the new fork/join framework, let us take a simple example in which we will count the occurrences of a word in a set of documents. Java 7 Webcast.