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Open Source Ajax, J2EE Ajax, JSF Java Framework. Component Suite. The ICEfaces Component Suite provides a completeset of enhanced standard and custom JavaServer Faces (JSF) components.

Component Suite

These components provide the following additional benefits over other JSF components: Optimized to fully leverage ICEfaces Direct-to-Dom rendering technology providing seamless incremental user-interface updates for all components without full-page refreshes (partial-page rendering).Support for additional attributes for ICEfaces-specific features such as effects, partialSubmit, renderedOnUserRole, etc.Support for comprehensive component styling via predefined component style sheets that are easily customized. Using the ICEfaces Component Suite complete JSF applications may be rapidly developed that fully leverage the rich application features that ICEfaces provides:

Various small how-tos for the JSF beginner. A - Changing the locale of the current running session 1.

Various small how-tos for the JSF beginner

Set up a managed session bean for storing the locale. 2. Intialize the locale from the browser settings: JSF Session Expiry Timeout Solution. Server-initiated Rendering API. Using datatables. This article is targeted on JSF 1.2.

Using datatables

For JSF 2.0, using datatables can be approached much more elegantly with help of a @ViewScoped managed bean. Please checkout this article which contains two basic CRUD examples, one for JSF 2.0 on Servlet 2.5 and other for JSF 2.0 on Servlet 3.0 which supports passing method arguments in EL 2.2.