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Facebook Twitter Akka. Google Guava – Futures. This post is a continuation of my series on Google Guava, this time covering Futures. The Futures class is a collection of static utility methods for working with the Future/ListenableFuture interface. A Future is a handle to an asynchronous task, either a Runnable or Callable, that was submitted to an ExecutorService. The Future interface provides methods for: getting the results of a task, checking if a task is done, or canceling a task. The ListenableFuture interface extends the Future interface and adds the ability to set a completion listener to run once a task is finished. To create a ListenableFuture you first need to decorate an ExecutorService instance like so: 1.ExecutorService executorService = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(Executors.newCachedThreadPool()); Now all submitted Callables/Runnables will return a ListenableFuture.

Chain 01.ListenableFuture<List<String>> indexSearch = 02. luceneSearcher.searchAsync("firstName:martin"); 06. 12.ListenableFuture<List<Person>> results =


Birt. SLF4J & LOGBack : simplifiez-vous les logs - : le bl. Le speaker est ensuite passé aux choses plus concrètes en montrant quelques exemple d'appel SLF4J, il a notamment mis l'accent sur la possibilité d'utiliser des messages paramétrés qui ne seront construits (i.e. qui ne consommeront de ressources) que s'il doivent être affichés. Pour démontrer son propos il a donné l'exemple suivant : SLF4J a ensuite été abordé toujours sous l'angle d'un framework d'uniformisation des logs applicatifs mais cette fois-ci en regardant l'intégration de ce dernier sur des projets utilisant déjà un pou plusieurs systèmes de logs.

Il est aisin possible de créer une véritable passerelle entre commons-logging, log4j, JUL avec SLF4J afin de centraliser la gestion et la configuration des logs d'une application. Pour cela il suffit de remplacer les jar d'implémentation du (des) système(s) utilisés (comme commons-logging.jar ou log4j.jar) par des jar d'interception de logs (respectivement jcl-over-slf4j.jar et log4j-over-slf4j.jar). Exemple de log généré : High Performance And Smarter Logging. 1. Summary Logging, often a back-burner activity in the development cycle can actually be the very lifeline of the development team once the application is in production.

Assuming that readers are well acquainted with various logging frameworks like Log4J, SLF4J, etc, this article lays guidelines for 'real-world' production logging, examines its influence on the application quality attributes and also rediscovers a forgotten high performance, smarter logging technique with codes and centralized logging. 2 Introduction Logging is often relegated to a back-burner activity while architecting, designing and developing applications or even when enhancing applications. Your application now is out of your development environment - it is not running out of your favorite IDE workbench and much less having a debugger at your service. Logs can be the very lifeline of your production application and should not be taken lightly or as an afterthought. But how many of us actually plan our logs? Logback Console Plugin for Eclipse. Logback-beagle: an Eclipse plug-in for viewing logs During the development process, it is common for developers to print logging events on the console.

Typically, the developer will also customize the format of the log output by setting an appropriate layout pattern. Logback-beagle is intended as a replacement for viewing logs via the console. It offers several advantages over the plain-old console: Events of level WARN and ERROR are marked by an orange flag and respectively a red flag. Plug-in Installation The logback-beagle plug-in requires the Nebula Grid plug-in which must be installed first. Step 1: Nebula Grid The Nebula Grid plug-in which can be installed from Step 2: Logbak-beagle The logback-beagle plug-in can be installed from Restarting Eclipse should load the plugin.

Configuring the client (logback.xml) Using logback-beagle Clicking on any log line will scroll-lock (freeze) the view. . Preferences. Premier fournisseur de solutions open source d'intégration de do. JAR Search - Bossie Awards 2010: The best open source software of the year | Open Source. It is now roughly 40-plus years since Richard Stallman released his text editor with the words "Emacs General Public License" in the documentation and 20 some years since the world first saw the phrase "GNU General Public License. " Back in those days, finding the best open source software was relatively simple. There was Emacs, and then came vi. Choosing between them was never easy, and many still argue over the best editor. In 2010, the choices aren't any easier, and now there are many, many more packages available. claims more than 310,000 projects and GitHub more than 1 million. Before going much further, let us apologize profusely for not sorting through the millions of projects to find all of the very best. [ Track the latest trends in open source with InfoWorld's Open Sources blog and Technology: Open Source newsletter. ] If finding all of the absolute best piles of code isn't possible, then let me be more precise. ForgeRock. Carbon.


YAJSW - Yet Another Java Service Wrapper - Introduction. Content management.