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English II

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High School English. Advanced English lessons. | Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at D. Garammar Page - What grammar to use when. Abbreviation An abbreviation is a short form of another word: "Dr. " for "Doctor," "N.J.

" for "New Jersey," "vol. " for "volume. " A pronounceable abbreviation formed from initials without periods (e.g., NASA) is called an acronym. It is better to avoid abbreviations in formal and business writing. However, there are occasions when abbreviations are acceptable: > for times and dates ("a.m. ," "p.m. ," "B.C. ," "A.D. ") > for names and places usually abbreviated ("St. > for professional references, especially if repeating the full name would be awkward (e.g., "NICU" instead of "Newborn Intensive Care Unit") In a case like the last example, however, always let your reader know what the abbreviation stands for the first time you refer to it: "The Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is the most heavily staffed unit in the hospital. " References: William and Mary Morris, "Harper Dictionary of Contemporary Usage," p. 2 Strunk and White, "Elements of Style," p. 81 Troyka, "Handbook for Writers," pp. 568-71 Adverb.