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Ampex Virtual Museum and Ampex Mailing List. Ampex Model 200A, Serial Number 003 Welcome to the home of the Ampex Virtual Museum and Ampex Mailing List! Entire contents of this site copyright © 2002-2006 by Howard Sanner. All rights reserved. Reproduction is prohibited without written permission from the copyright owner. The Ampex Mailing List is an informal group interested in the use, maintenance, preservation, and history of Ampex audio and video products, both professional and consumer.

Collectively, list subscribers constitute the deepest, broadest collection of wisdom in existence about Ampex equipment of all kinds and vintages. For detailed information, please read the charter. Subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Ampex Mailing List Search the Ampex Mailing List Archives Search This Site Parts Sales and Equipment Prices (Short answer: I don't sell parts and have no idea what your gear is worth.) New material is added frequently. 3M users should look into Matt Patoray's group for 3M professional audio and video recorders.

Hamptone_fet_scan.pdf (application/pdf Object) UREI / Universal Audio Schematics. SSL Clone construction page. The SSL Clone The SSL Clone The SSL Mixbus Compressor Clone This is a design I did way back in my early years, so you'll have to bear with the ugly pcb layouts. And sorry, this design is absolutely free from tubes and transformers. But it has a nice moving coil meter at least. My reason for doing this clone is that the SSL is one of the worlds widely recognized stereo mix compressors - it has a well known sound, and is lusted after by many recording engenieers. The compressor is cloned from our good old SSL4044E desk, dating back from '85. Schematic for The SSL Clone The anatomy of this compressor is surprisingly simple: Input signals are de-balanced by a couple of NE5534's, who in turn are driving the VCA in current mode via 27K resistors - the THAT VCA's are current in - current out devices (note that on the old component overlay, these resistors are marked 15K look here).

The signals from the input opamps are also summed via 47k's and sent to the input of the sidechain VCA. . = Danfield 726.

Reference Tables , Useful Info

Dave Rat Transmission: Sometimes Sound Is About Time. How fast do sound signals travel through the various parts of the sound system? Do sound signals travel faster in analog snake cables or fiber optic cables? Also, what about transmission through the air with wireless mics? And where do the true and relevant sources of time lag exist in a audio system?

What I find really interesting is that sound signal travels at differing speeds depending on whether it’s in the form of electricity, or sound waves in air, or via wires, or passing through various pieces of commonly used audio equipment. Consider that in 1.2 milliseconds of time: - Sound travels about 16 inches in air before going into a microphone or after coming out of a loudspeaker. - But if we did rock shows under water, we would find that sound cruises about 70 inches, nearly five times faster. - It just barely makes it from the input XLR to the output XLR of the faster popular digital consoles. What does this all mean? Page 1 of 3 123> Next. Make A Bridge Rectifier From Diodes. Make your own single or multi phase bridge rectifier from diodes home > wind | electric circuitThe electricity generated by most wind turbine generators is alternating current (AC).

To use this to charge batteries or power most lighting and devices directly, it must be rectified into direct current (DC). The simplest (full wave) bridge rectifier is made up of just four diodes (components which allow electricity to flow in just one direction). The diagram below (taken from our Introduction to Bridge Rectifiers) shows how the four diodes are wired together and also shows how electricity flows through it as the current alternates. Three Phase Bridge Rectifiers Typically wind turbines do not generate single phase AC (displayed in the above example), but instead generate multi-phase AC - usually three-phase AC electricity. Therefore, more diodes are required to rectify the three phases of electricity - in fact six are required and must be wired up as shown in the diagram below.

Training, Education, and White Papers

Eddie Ciletti: From Digital Audio to Vacuum Tubes! JENSEN TRANSFORMERS, INC. - APPLICATION SCHEMATICS. Forssell Technologies.