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Greg MacGilpin, Jr.

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Nine Things Educators Need to Know About the Brain. The human brain wasn’t designed for industrial education.

Nine Things Educators Need to Know About the Brain

It was shaped over millions of years of sequential adaptation in response to ever-changing environmental demands. Over time, brains grew in size and complexity; old structures were conserved and new structures emerged. As we evolved into social beings, our brains became incredibly sensitive to our social worlds. This mixture of conservation, adaptation, and innovation has resulted in an amazingly complex brain, capable of everything from monitoring respiration to creating culture. This added complexity came with a cost. This evolutionary history poses a challenge for educators. If we are going to move forward, we will have to admit that a one-size-fits-all model of education is doomed to fail the majority of students and teachers. 1. Our brains require stimulation and connection to survive and thrive. That’s why it pays for teachers to create positive social experiences in the classroom. 2. A Short Guide to Finding and Using Media on Your Blog - Part 2.

Copyright term calculator. Want to know if a specific work is in the public domain?

Copyright term calculator

(Or, if it's not, when it will be?) Give the copyright term calculator a spin. You'll need to provide some information about the work — for example, whether it's published or unpublished. But the calculator keeps track of which US copyright act applies to the work in question, so you don't have to. Give it a try and please let me know what you think. Note: The calculator will remember where you last were, if you go away and come back. The copyright term calculator requires version 8 of the Macromedia Flash Player. Important: This copyright term calculator covers US law only. The copyright term calculator is also not intended to subsitute for a lawyer's assessment of the public domain status of any specific work or works. . « Return to Public Domain Sherpa home. Professional Development in 140 Characters or Less.

Summer Camps

Schools Sites. Sustainability. News Around the World. Weather updates. Mapsmall1.jpg (1280×804) Keypunch-Description of a Teambuilding Exercise. Hiking. Middle School Group Actvities. Twistahs and Quakes. Tiquicia. 3 Statements That Can Change the World: Mission / Vision / Values. Does your organization have a Mission Statement?

3 Statements That Can Change the World: Mission / Vision / Values

You probably do. How about a Vision Statement? A Values Statement? If you do not have these three statements, or if you have them but are not using them to guide your organization's work, you are missing out on some of the simplest and most effective governance tools you could find. These statements of your Vision, your Mission and your Values can define and guide your organization's ability to create the future of your community! Vision vs. To distinguish between Vision and Mission in our own work, we have defaulted back to the plain English usage of those words. VisionARY MissionARY We certainly know what those two words mean.

Our favorite example of this everyday usage is Jesus of Nazareth. Your organization's vision is all about what is possible, all about that potential. An effective Vision Statement will therefore tell the world what change you wish to create for the future of your community. How will your work reflect those values?

School Design and Architecture

Google. Deportes.