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Vim as a Python IDE - Martin Brochhaus. Search and replace. Vim provides the :s (substitute) command for search and replace; this tip shows examples of how to substitute.

Search and replace

On some systems, gvim has Find and Replace on the Edit menu (:help :promptrepl), however it is easier to use the :s command due to its command line history and ability to insert text (for example, the word under the cursor) into the search or replace fields. Basic search and replace. FuzzyFinder - buffer/file/command/tag/etc explorer with fuzzy matching. Vim Introduction and Tutorial - IMHO. I often tried to learn the great Emacs editor/IDE/operating system.

Vim Introduction and Tutorial - IMHO

The last time I tried it, I spent some time getting comfortable with it until I wanted to customize my .emacs file. That was the point when I entered vi .emacs. As soon as I realized what I’ve done, I knew that Vim has won me over a long time ago.