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Tips for Creating Wow-Worthy Learning Spaces. "Look at your learning space with 21st-century eyes: Does it work for what we know about learning today, or just for what we knew about learning in the past?” -The Third Teacher Does your classroom mirror the rectilinear seating arrangement popular in Sumerian classrooms, circa 2000 BCE? Or is your classroom seating flexible and tricked out with the IDEO designed Node Chair by Steelcase? What classroom design changes can you do on a budget that supports learning? Those questions and more are answered below.

The Basics To rethink your student seating arrangement, use Kaplan's floorplanner and try out with names like lasso, the robot, and the big x. Flexibility: Students should be able to easily transition to functional spaces, such as a class library, literacy center, computer area, stage, reading nook, etc. Also, your classroom walls are important learning real estate -- spaces to fill with content-related murals, posters, banners, whiteboards, and bulletin boards.

Perhaps not. August New Teacher Survival Guide | From setting up your classroom to brainstorming icebreaker activities, these tips and tricks will have you prepped, relaxed, and ready just in time for the first day of school. Preparing Your Classroom Our Easy Guide to Setting Up Your Classroom (K–5) At last, a classroom of your own! Time to roll up your shirtsleeves and begin transforming that empty space into a warm and inviting place for your first class. Here's how. The New Teacher's Crash Course on Setting Up Your Classroom (6–8) Preparing your classroom for the arrival of your students is probably high on the list of your priorities. How to Make an Old Classroom New Again As a new teacher, a big challenge will be setting up your new classroom and making it your own. Clip and Save Checklist: Get Ready for the First Day of School! Fit to Print: Use This Handy Seating Chart A seating chart to start your school year.

First Day of School Icebreakers You're not the only one excited and nervous about the first day of school. DMLcentral. Roger Schank: “La evaluación mata a la educación” La evaluación mata a la educación.