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Trouver un Cours Gratuit - Compta., Finance et autres Cours Gratuits. The most awesome story i ever heard Funny Pictures Add Funny. Topfree Equal Rights Association. The More Chocolate A Nation Eats, The More Nobel Prizes It Gets. Today in faulty causality: A study has found that a country's consumption of chocolate is directly correlated to the number of Nobel laureates it has produced.

The More Chocolate A Nation Eats, The More Nobel Prizes It Gets

Leading the world in both chocoholism and Nobels: the Swiss, followed by the Swedes and the Danes. The U.S. would have to consume an additional 275 million pounds of chocolate per year to catch up (still no word on what benefits salt, a preponderance of processed foods, and trans-fats impart to a nation). The correlation here is false, of course, and that's precisely why the study was published. New York physician Franz Messerli noticed the correlation and published the study to show how p-values--a statistical tool that nearly all medical studies employ to prove the veracity of the causal relationships they describe--can be seriously flawed.

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