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The Brother SE400 Enthusiast. Free Embroidery Designs, Cute Embroidery Designs. I think there is a big sale going on for the Wilcom studio software now at 'Strawberry Stitch'.

Free Embroidery Designs, Cute Embroidery Designs

If you ever want to do digitizing professionally you might want to start out with Wilcom. It is a favorite with professional digitizers all over the world. There is also one called 'Stitch Era' that you only have to pay about $14.95 for the shipping. For it you must be on the internet to use it though. Stitch Era would probably be the least expensive. Many people love the Embird software and to get all the various parts of it you could almost buy the Wilcom Studio for the sale price right now.

I have found it difficult to change from one software to another so purchase carefully and consider what you want to accomplish in the future such as a home based digitizing business. Any digitizing program can be used to create free standing lace designs. Lots to consider before purchasing. Please let us know what you choose. Marcelle. ©Sadia's Designs-Creating Lace. “Thread is manipulated to make stitches, Stitches are combined to make lace, Lace is used to make or decorate things”.

©Sadia's Designs-Creating Lace

The word Lace brings to our minds visions of grandeur, softness and luxury. From time immemorial Lace has been a much desired and sought after commodity by all. Lace was more than just a sumptuous and highly coveted luxury, affordable by only the privileged and well-born. It was also the product of an industry that provided a living to thousands of workers, formed a huge portion of the revenue of many nations, and played a role in history that goes largely unrecognized and un-remarked today. We know little for certain about the origin of lace. Laces were never considered “incidental trimmings” but rather prized possessions and were even used to pay one’s debts. The earliest form of any publications on laces dates from about the middle of the 16th century.

Another form of needle lace that can be found in some of the earliest forms of examples is “Reticella”. ABC’s of Lace. FREE SOFTWARE - Stitch ERA Universal. Sierra Stitch ERA Universal digitizing software FREE 48 HOUR TRIAL!

FREE SOFTWARE - Stitch ERA Universal

Powerful enough for a professional digitizer yet easy enough for any home embroidery enthusiast to use. Why pay thousands of dollars for a digitizing software when you can now try one for FREE, then if you like as much as we do, simply sign up for the monthly subscription service for 6 or 12 months at a time. Start digitizing now! Download for FREE below and start making more money by digitizing your own designs. While there are customers using Sierra software on Macs using Windows emulation software like Bootcamp, SIERRA DOES NOT OFFER SUPPORT FOR MACINTOSH USERS. The DOWNLOADABLE (EXPRESS) version is found below this page and does NOT need to be purchased. Fsl Embroidery Designs. Guide to FSL « Embroidery Articles. By Patricia Haufschildt What does FSL mean?

Guide to FSL « Embroidery Articles

 FSL is representative of Free-Standing-Lace, which are stand alone lace embroidery designs that are done with thread only (with the exception of one’s machine, hoop & stabilizer). To create FSL you will also be using (as your stabilizer) WSS or Water-Soluble-Stabilizer, which is a non-woven dissolvable product prefect for lace projects. FSL designs have a somewhat dense and complex grid of underlay stitching which supports the embroidery after the design is completed and the WSS is washed out. My personal preference is to purchase rolls of this type of product because there is less wastage that way, especially since I opt to use two layers of WSS for my FSL projects. I do find though, that WSS tends to leave some lint, so I advise performing a good clean up regularly, so be sure to de-lint, clean, & oil your bobbin area after each FSL project.

When stitching FSL, generally I find the best upper tension to be set between 2.5 to 3.0. 1. Gear Sketch Illustration - 102329260.