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Morse Code Translator. Text to Morse Just type letters, numbers and punctuation into the top box and press the "Translate" button. The program will place the Morse code in the bottom box, inserting a "? " if the character cannot be translated. If you want to translate prosigns, enter them as "<CT>" for instance and tick the "Use prosigns" checkbox in the advanced controls. If you are learning Morse code it is recommended that you hide the dots and dashes output as reading this can slow your learning down. Morse to Text You can type Morse code into the top box using ". " for a dot and "-" or "_" for a dash. Sound The "play", "stop" buttons control the sound playback.

Notes This translator requires JavaScript to be enabled. If you would like to see a list of all the Morse code characters please go to my Morse Code page. If you have any questions about Morse code or the translator, please read my FAQ first. The Storify Blog | StubHub - Mom's Night Out. Being a mom is full-time job. But unlike most jobs, there’s no punching out at five, and no days off. That’s why we’ve created Mom’s Night Out—to give moms not just a night off, but a night out! We’re whisking moms—and three of their best friends—away for some well deserved entertainment in their hometown. Winners are invited to live the dream with tickets to rock out with U2, or unwind at the ballpark with their favorite team.

Please complete the form below. (* field not required) Mom's Night Out spokeswoman, and mother herself— Alyson Hannigan A portion of StubHub sales for all Mom's Night Out events will be donated to Adopt-A-Classroom . Hard Rock is proud to be a part of Mom's Night Out. That can be my next tweet. Gizmodo Dreamlike. Semi-sensical. Sort of terrifying. The site is less a Twitter toy than a disturbing peer into my subconscious. Mashable While some of the autogenerated tweets seem plausible enough (…), other autogenerated strings are nothing short of hilarious. A bizarrely addictive little time-waster (…) sounding something like a mashup of Yoda, a freshman philosophy major and Caine from Kung Fu. The Huffington Post The results are, predictably, hilarious. Time Add this to the pile of brilliant Twitter-related time-wasters. The Next Web Are we really so predictable that everything that we Tweet can be broken down by a machine to figure out what we’ll say next?

Twitter This site is providing some good laughs this morning here at the Twitter office. The Washington Post My theory is that this generator captures the subliminal. Urlesque. Twaggies — Because who doesn’t like a visual? An Exclusive Preview of Southland + Southland Gear. Travel Secrets for Romantics and Lovers. Results. Aggregate Results. The Silent I. Glennia (Glennia) Twitter stats. Tweet gets twagged. Results for 'Glennia Campbell'