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Epic Crispy Quinoa Burgers Topped with Sweet Potato Fries, Beer Caramelized Onions + Gruyere. Where do I even begin? These burgers have so much going on. Hence the longest name I have ever posted and will hopefully ever post….hopefully! I am going to get so much flack for that title, but I don’t even care. These burgers are one hundred percent worth it and really it is not like there is a food blogging rule that does not allow long titles. Oh and if you can believe it, I actually left something out. Alright, let’s just start with the main idea for these quinoa burgers. I wanted to create a quinoa burger that would actually rival the typical beef burger.

I know you are thinking it’s just not possible, and trust me, I totally thought the same thing. So I started with that base, but swapped the regular quinoa with red quinoa, took out the buffalo sauce and added some seasonings and cheese. From here my idea of an epic burger just grew and grew. Oh and if you are wondering, the Epic Burger is actually a thing up here in my very snowy and cold mountain town. The fried egg. Ingredients. Drinking Man's Guide to Summer: The Fish Bowl.

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Things to make Vegan

Good Ideas. Vegan.