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Cornwall Alliance

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James partnership | PolluterWatch. The James Partnership -- Hearing and Doing the Word. Cornwall Alliance and Focus on the Family slam efforts to reduce mercury exposure for infants. Recently, the Evangelical Environmental Network lent its support to the EPA's proposal to make mercury emissions standards more stringent. Well, late yesterday Calvin Beisner of the Cornwall Alliance teamed up with Focus on the Family to oppose it. The reason? Wait for it--it could result in more pro-choicers in the House and Senate.

According to the EEN, one of every six American babies is born with harmful blood mercury levels, “which causes permanent brain damage in the unborn and infants.” Therefore, the 12 federal legislators EEN is thanking with radio, TV and billboard ads for supporting the EPA restrictions are “pro-life.” In truth, only one in every 1,000 American babies is exposed to harmful doses of mercury, and the slight delays in cognitive development it may cause generally disappear by age 7, says Beisner. And there we have a shining example of just how contorted our debate has become with the religious right in the picture. Who's Funding Climate Change Denial? It does not come as a surprise that extreme conservative ideologue billionaires are working to spread misinformation and incite tension, this time in the form of more than 100 anti-climate groups working to discredit the science behind climate change.

Two trusts, Donors Trust and Donors Capital Fund were created as way for the wealthy of the extreme right to secretly invest money into anti-environmental and climate change denial groups, and they have collected millions of dollars from foundations backing the likes of the Koch Brothers and Richard Mellon Scaife. The funds, which were distributed to conservative think-tanks from 2002 to 2010, no doubt helped contribute to the backlash against president Obama’s environmental agenda. Whitney Ball, CEO of Donors Trust, told the Guardian that her organization represents a wide range of opinion on the American right, but that they found common ground in opposing mandatory cuts to greenhouse gas emissions. The Green Agenda. Cornwall Alliance. The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation is a conservative Christian public policy group that promotes a free-market approach to care for the environment that is critical of much of the current environmental movement.

In particular, the Cornwall Alliance rejects claims of detrimental global warming.[1] Originally called the "Interfaith Stewardship Alliance" it was founded in 2005 in reaction to the efforts of evangelical leaders (such as Rick Warren) to fight global warming. The name Cornwall come from the 2000 Cornwall Declaration. Cornwall Declaration[edit] In 2000, a statement called the Cornwall Declaration on Environmental Stewardship was put forward and has been signed by over 1500 clergy, theologians and others according to Cornwall Alliance. Signatories include prominent religious individuals from the Roman Catholic, Jewish and Evangelical worlds such as Charles Colson, James Dobson, Rabbi Jacob Neusner, R. An Evangelical Declaration on Global Warming[edit]

The oily operators behind the religious climate change disinformation front group, Cornwall Alliance. By Climate Guest Contributor "The oily operators behind the religious climate change disinformation front group, Cornwall Alliance" Watch their absurdly paranoid video asserting environmentalism is “without doubt one of the greatest threats to society” today Defenders of the dirty energy status quo, particularly the lobbyists and politicians associated with the oil and coal industry, have repeatedly trotted out a group of evangelical leaders known as the Cornwall Alliance to counter the growing sentiment in the evangelical community that anthropogenic climate change is a threat to God’s creation.

Cornwall declares that true Christians believe “there is no convincing scientific evidence that human contribution to greenhouse gases is causing dangerous global warming.” In this repost, Wonk Room exposes the Big Oil funding behind the Cornwall Alliance On Friday, at the polluter-funded Heritage Foundation, Cornwall rolled out its latest campaign called “Resisting the Green Dragon.” Does Caring for “the Least of These” Demand Fighting Global Warming? Recently, my fellow evangelical scientists and academics sent a letter to the United States Congress urging immediate legislation on climate change. In an effort to care for the planet—God’s second greatest gift to humanity—they argue that our uncontrolled use of fossil fuels will disproportionately affect the poor, the vulnerable, and the oppressed.

I applaud their concern for the environment and for those in defense of whom Jesus commanded us to be especially diligent. But their call to reduce carbon emissions would do more harm than good, especially to the “least of these” as referenced by Christ. Average global temperatures have not risen over at least the past fifteen years. By contrast, daytime maximum temperature is a much better measure of warming from greenhouse gases. Hurricane activity globally is at a thirty-year low, and the frequency of moderate to severe tornadoes (EF3-EF5) has not increased. Furthermore, oppression thrives when energy is restricted. Dr. Free-Market Public Policy | National Center for Policy Analysis | NCPA. Refuting a Global Warming Denier. Dr. Michael MacCracken, Chief Scientist for Climate Programs at the Climate Institute in Washington, DC, provides a set of comments detailing intellectual errors and misleading statements in a recent report on “Climate Change and Its Impacts” by Prof.

David Legates, a favorite scientist of the global warming denial machine, that was published by the National Center for Policy Analysis, a “free market” oriented policy organization. The National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA), a Dallas, Texas-based policy organization that takes right-wing positions on a range of issues, recently published a report by David R. Legates, associate professor of geography and director of the Center for Climatic Research at the University of Delaware, titled "Climate Science: Climate Change and Its Impacts. " A few statements from Prof. The full text of Dr. Comment on David R. ByMichael MacCracken, Ph.D.Climate Institute Washington DCMay 24, 2006 This report [David R. Links to referenced reports: David R. Legates. The Independent Institute. Does Caring for “the Least of These” Demand Fighting Global Warming?