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Local SEO Optimization: 6 Must-Read Tips for Businesses & Brands. These days, all search is local—and businesses that wish to be found by online search engine users need to make local SEO optimization a priority. Just how important is local SEO optimization? Consider the following statistic: An overwhelming 88 percent of consumers who search for a local business call that business, or visit it in person, within 24 hours. In other words, connecting with local search users generates leads in a big way—making it vital for companies to master the basics of local SEO optimization. #1 Perform On-Site Local SEO Optimization The first step is to take some keywords and put them to work for you.

Those who need to obtain solid keywords can do so by using the Google AdWords Keyword tool, seeking high-volume, geo-specific keywords. Additionally, make sure you phone number appears on every page of your site. Finally, embed a map; you can do this by entering your business address on Google Maps, then using the HTML code provided. . #2 Sign Up for Google Places. It's Time to Change the SEO Mindset. It's been a crazy couple of years for SEO. We've seen the rise of unnatural links manual penalties.

The infamous algo updates like Panda and Penguin, and some lesser talked about ones like the page layout algorithm. The rise and fall of super-agencies. And, of course, the increased value of social media. And yes, there's been a ton of others, but you get the idea. The whole nature of search – and by extension SEO – has changed drastically. Changing With the Times I was reading some articles lately about unnatural links messages and various tools and remedies to deal with them (or even Google Penguin). OK, seems sensible. I mean come on... do you really need a tool? For starters, if you're even slightly worth your salt as an SEO, you should be able to pick them out without much trouble. Furthermore, if it's your website or you worked on the link building, I am pretty sure you know exactly which links were manufactured.

Start thinking about link attraction not link building. What is SEO? How To Optimize YouTube Videos For SEO. Inbound marketing is all about reaching a well-defined audience or prospects with relevant content to establish a relationship with them, improve brand awareness and build trust. Content can include blog posts, ebooks, whitepapers, podcasts, videos, etc. Creating awesome content is the foundation of inbound marketing.

However, for your content to be useful to your audience, it must get found by search engines. Drive Engagement with Videos Videos drive engagement on a website and are an important part of content marketing. Optimizing YouTube videos to rank well on search engines is all about on-page and off-page SEO. On-Page SEO for YouTube Videos 1) Title and Description Your video title and description should be optimized to rank for the keywords that you are targeting. Related Resources from B2C» Free Webcast: The Future of Marketing: Social Listening + Action The description should also be relevant to the video and optimized for the keyword you are targeting. 2) Tags Off-Page SEO.

SEO: 5 Simple Steps for Choosing Effective Keywords. With Google placing a strong emphasis on quality contentfor performing well in organic search, it’s no wonder choosing the right keywords can make or break the success of the content you publish. We all want to attract more traffic to our website, but it’s not just about increasing numbers. We must choose the most effective keywords that connect with the right audience for our business, ultimately convincing visitors to convert as leads. This process of keyword research can be tricky, but when done well can have an outstanding impact on your Inbound Marketing efforts.

Here are 5 simple steps for choosing effective keywords: 1. Examine your website as a prospective customer: This might seem like an obvious step, but one that can be overlooked. 2. Related Resources from B2C» Free Webcast: The Future of Marketing: Social Listening + Action 3. 4. 5. Performing keyword research can be very rewarding when done right. Image Credit. SEO: Optimal Ecommerce URLs. The ecommerce platform that hosts a site determines the URL structure, which in turn can have an impact on the site’s search engine optimization. Each platform creates URLs according to its own rules, but nearly all can be modified for greater SEO and brand recognition. In years past, URLs with lots of folders and parameters posed major crawl issues for the search engines. In some cases the “spider traps” created by complex ecommerce URLs would even prevent the engines from indexing a site, effectively cutting off the flow of organic search customers.

Google and Bing are much more capable of crawling or intelligently ignoring parameters and long, scraggly folder paths in URLs today, but optimal URLs do play a role in SEO. Using descriptive words in URLs gives the search engines yet another algorithmic insight into the types of searches the page would be relevant for. Enlarge This Image Which of these URLs inspires more confidence in the page’s relevance? What Makes a URL Optimal? Comment écrire un article optimal pour le référencement naturel ? - Pikock. SEO for Google+ Profiles, Pages, Local, Communities & Updates. Want to maximize your visibility in Google's search results?

This Google+ SEO guide explains how to optimize your profile, page, local, communities, and even your updates for specific keywords – as well as how Google handles outgoing links. Google+ Profile Optimization First, let’s look at Google+ profiles. SEO Title The SEO title for your Google+ profile is your name followed by Google+. Meta Description The meta description for your Google+ profile begins with your name followed by your tagline, occupation, current employer, current location, and first part of your introduction as framed in red in the above image. Dofollow Links Highlighted in yellow are the areas of your Google+ profile where you can get dofollow links back to your website. Google+ Page Optimization Next, let’s look at Google+ pages. Again, the name of your page will be the SEO title, followed by Google+ Dofollow links from your page can be obtained within the introduction and other links section. Google+ Local Optimization. The Beginner's Guide to Google+ When Google+ entered the social space in 2011, it was met largely with skepticism.

Joining a crowded field with platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, many users questioned the need for another social network. But roughly two years later, Google+ has established itself as the second-largest social media site in the world and boasts a monthly active user base of 235 million. And some of the products that Google built into the platform, such as Hangouts and Communities, along with its added integration in Google News that can benefit an active poster, have made Google+ an intriguing network for all users. If you're a newbie to Google+, these tips will help you get started. Creating a Google Account First things first, in order to have a Google+ account, you must have a Google account. Next, you'll be prompted to add a profile photo to accompany your Google Account. After adding your profile picture, you will then be redirected to your new Gmail account.

Creating Circles Navigating the Stream. 4 SEO Tasks Small Businesses Must Do Every Month. On-site SEO discussions are typically dominated by technical debates about how search engines analyze and store HTML. For small business owners, the discussion is much more practical and alarming. Specifically, small business websites do on-site SEO poorly or not at all, leaving large amounts of search traffic and potential customers on the table. The lack of small business on-site SEO is more about discipline, time management, repetition, and know-how. Here is a simple four-step approach to building high-value traffic through on-site SEO that should be repeated twice per month (minimum) on every small business website. 1. Identify Demand Every website page should be positioned to catch existing demand as SEO (generally) doesn't create demand. When a small business is just starting, it's important to pick keywords that are easy to rank on until you see some results. 2.

Regardless of the medium, the content needs to be compelling. 3. 4. Conclusions. The_seo_survival_guide_by_weidert_group. L’URL Rewriting expliqué aux débutants. Par Olivier Duffez, le 04 août 2008 Cet article présente le principe de la réécriture d'URL et son intérêt pour le référencement de façon simple pour les débutants. URL Rewriting : à quoi ça sert ? L'URL Rewriting (réécriture d'URL en bon français) est une technique utilisée pour optimiser le référencement des sites dynamiques (utilisant des pages dynamiques). Les pages dynamiques sont caractérisées par des URL complexes, comportant en général un point d'interrogation, éventuellement le caractère & ainsi que des noms de variables et des valeurs. Exemple : article.php? Id=12&page=2&rubrique=5 Dans cet exemple, le fichier article.php est utilisé pour afficher un article dont le texte vient d'une base de données.

Le problème est que certains moteurs n'indexent pas les pages ayant des URL de ce type. Grâce à l'URL Rewriting, Google ainsi que n'importe quel robot va pouvoir indexer les pages dynamiques. URL Rewriting : comment ça marche ? URL Rewriting : les étapes pour la mise en place. Fonctionnalité Accès direct de Google+ - Centre d'aide Google+ L'outil Accès direct de Google+ vous permet d'accéder rapidement à une page Google+ (et de l'ajouter à vos cercles, si vous le souhaitez) via une recherche Google. Par exemple, si vous saisissez "+youtube" ou "+pepsi" dans le champ de recherche, la page Google+ de YouTube ou de Pepsi s'affiche directement et vous avez la possibilité de l'ajouter à vos cercles. Lorsque vous voulez lancer une recherche sur une marque, une entreprise ou une entité culturelle, ajoutez le signe "+" devant son nom dans le champ. L'adjonction de l'opérateur "+" nous indique en effet que la recherche porte sur une page Google+.

Si la saisie semi-automatique n'est pas disponible : tapez la requête en entier, puis appuyez sur la touche "Entrée". Si la page Google+ que vous cherchez existe et qu'elle est compatible avec la fonctionnalité Accès direct, elle s'affiche instantanément.Si la saisie semi-automatique est activée : les résultats s'affichent à mesure que vous avancez dans la saisie. 12 Awesome Social Media Facts and Statistics for 2013. As the world continues to embrace social media the ways we use the social networks are becoming clearer. Twitter with its short and snappy messaging is very dependent on mobile usage and smart phones.

The rise of the visual web is making Pinterest and Tumblr the fastest growing social networks on the planet. Google+ is no longer an afterthought and is embedded in Google’s web assets including Gmail, local checkins and the mobile Android ecosystems. Google is getting the data it wants from Google+. Artificial intelligence that adds other dimensions to humanity has already arrived but we just don’t notice it.

Related Resources from B2C» Free Webcast: The Future of Marketing: Social Listening + Action So what are the latest social media facts and statistics provided by the latest study by GlobalWebIndex for the second quarter of 2013? #1. Facebook still dominates at 70% of account ownership but Google+ is not far behind at just over 50% . #2. . #3. . #4. . #5. . #6. . #7. . #8. . #9. . #10. . #11. . #12. #LeWeb : 11 opportunités et 14 conseils prodigués par Google pour tirer profit de Google+

Bonjour à toutes et à tous. Comme je vous le précisais il y a quelques jours, l’un des évènements qui m’intéressaient le plus lors de cette seconde journée de #LeWeb était un workshop animé par Kate Alessi, « Head of Social, Strategy & Solutions » chez Google pour la région SEEMEA (Sud et Est de l’Europe, Moyen Orient et Afrique), sur la thématique « Build your brand with Google+ ». L’atelier a été à la hauteur de mes espérances car « à jour », la présentation des bonnes pratiques étant celle du Q4 2013. L’atelier a débuté avec une partie de contexte, Kate précisant que l’aspect social a toujours été dans la nature de l’Homme, seule la manière de partager ayant évolué au fil des années.

Pour conforter cette idée, elle a notamment rappelé que 70% des internautes dans le monde utilisaient au moins un réseau social chaque mois, ce qui pour rappel fait tout de même 1.9 milliard d’utilisateurs si l’on se base sur les dernières données de l’UIT qui font état de 2.7 milliards d’internautes. 1. Comment écrire un article optimal pour le référencement naturel ? - Pikock. 5 Pillars of a Successful Modern Web Design. To compete successfully in today's new media landscape, simply having an optimized website isn't enough. You must now consider a number of new factors when designing your website. These factors include modern design and content, usability and conversion, and search and social media.

Not only has the SEO technological market changed with new on- an off-page SEO considerations, the way the consumer views and consumes content and changed. New and modern aesthetic, design, and navigational considerations are being built into the architecture of new website builds. Building Outside of a Silo Gone are the days when a web developer builds a site, the SEO consultant optimizes the site, a conversion expert looks at the site, and then the business owners review the site. To make your new website work for your business it essential that a marketing led approach is implemented that involves technical, search, social, usability, and design teams. Start Point – Understanding Business and User Objectives. 2014 SEO -- 6 Key Pointers. InShare89 How will SEO in 2014 be different from 2013? What do we need to do to overcome future update issues? Here are six things every SEO professional should be concerned about in 2014.

Last month, I recapped things people were talking about most in SEO in 2013. Now let's talk about a few things we should be discussing in 2014. This year SEO professionals will have to keep pace with innovation. SEO is all about improving things now to achieve results in the future, so how will 2014 be different from 2013? Here are six things every SEO professional should be concerned about in 2014: 1. Ever since Google stopped providing keyword data, it has become harder to predict which keywords should be pursued. 2.

Content marketing is the art of speaking to your audience without selling. 3. 4. A couple of "bad links" pointing back to a website can have a significant negative impact in the SERPS. Here's a tweet from Matt Cutts a few days ago: Google also has a page about link schemes. 5. 6. Conclusion. How to Implement the Rel="Publisher" Google Authorship Mark Up. You don’t need me to tell you how popular ‘Rich Snippets’ have become to the world of search and social media. Everywhere you turn you’ll find write-ups about new schemas that allow you to add extra data to show how great your pages are in the SERPs. You may have even read my recent post ‘How to Implement Rel=’Author – a Step by Step Guide’, which discusses the benefits of putting your name and face to your content, and how to implement it.

However, in amongst the hype of how great it all is, a difficult question has arisen (in the real world), that I think needs to be addressed. After mastering the application of rel=’author’, my colleagues and I made sure to get all of our clients involved in schema, and offered a (perhaps a little over enthusiastically) helping hand. The problem, in the real world, is that sometimes our clients’ websites are full of content which cannot, or should not, be attributed to the writer.

What is Rel=”Publisher”? How to Implement Rel=’Publisher’ 1. 2. 3. 2013 Google SEO Ranking Factors. Are You Building Links For SEO Or For Traffic? How To Kill 2 Birds With 1 Stone. Responsive Design & Mobile SEO: Best Practices for 2013. Why Site Speed Optimisation Should Be Part of Your SEO Strategy - YouMoz. Businesses now spend 24% of total marketing budget on paid search.

Ad clicks in mobile search incremental to organic - Search Marketing. Author Rich Snippets in Google - Everything you need to know. Conseils pour le référencement de vos sites à l'international. Penguin 5, With The Penguin 2.1 Spam-Filtering Algorithm, Is Now Live. The Difference Between Broad Match, Phrase Match and Exact Match. 2013 Search Engine Ranking Factors. Google Now Displays Google+ Hashtag Results in Search Queries | SEJ. Internet Marketing: How to Do SEO for Now and Forever  Google+ Has Highest Impact on SEO Ranking, Report Finds [Infographic] Google Webmasters. L'outil de planification des mots clés remplace le Générateur de mots clés - Centre d'aide AdWords. Top SEO Factors For Choosing A CMS. 10 Best SEO Web Design Firms | SEO Web Development. YouTube Video SEO Tips.