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Wikileaks Mirror Network | LeakyLinks - Mirrors. WikiLeaks Now Has Hundreds of Mirrors. WikiLeaks is currently not available at It recently lost its DNS service provider, and the site itself has been battered by DDoS attacks for more than a week now - ever since it first started releasing secret embassy cables. However, when highly coveted information once spreads on the web, there's no stopping it. Case in point: WikiLeaks currently has several hundred mirrors, and although some of these mirrors are incomplete, slow or perhaps even completely unavailable, it's highly unlikely that any effort will be able to exterminate them all. Obviously, WikiLeaks was never about one website. As large U.S. companies such as Amazon and PayPal fold under pressure, refusing to give service to WikiLeaks, thousands of enthusiasts help WikiLeaks out by hosting a mirror of the site, uploading a torrent with the latest cables or by donating to the site.

EU must provide "political assylum"to hosts of wikileaks. DEN HAAG - De Europese Unie (EU) moet de internetvrijheid beschermen en daarom ''digitaal politiek asiel'' aanbieden aan webhosts die sites als WikiLeaks faciliteren. Foto: Getty Images Dat bepleitte Tweede Kamerlid Arjan El Fassed van GroenLinks donderdag in een overleg met minister Uri Rosenthal (Buitenlandse Zaken). Volgens El Fassed moet de EU de blokkade van hosts van klokkenluiderssite WikiLeaks ongedaan maken. Voor zo'n blokkade is een uitspraak van de rechter nodig, anders is er sprake van internetcensuur, aldus het Kamerlid. Financiering Hij vindt verder dat de EU de financiering door derden van WikiLeaks mogelijk moet maken, omdat ook dit niet door een rechter is verboden. GroenLinks roept Rosenthal ook op te voorkomen dat de EU op een of andere manier meewerkt aan een mogelijke uitlevering van WikiLeaks-oprichter Julian Assange aan de Verenigde Staten.

El Fassed vreest dat Assange daar dan geen eerlijke rechtsgang zou krijgen. Gedragscode Rosenthal wilde er verder niet op ingaan. Dutch public TV keeps Wikileaks site online. The Netherlands Media Authority (CvdM) has said it will not close down a Wikileaks mirror site hosted by public broadcaster PowNed. The issue was raised by Christian Democrat MPs who said it was unacceptable for a publicly funded organisation to publish a copy of the secret US embassy messages. Media Minister Marja van Bijsterveld, when asked by reporters what her position was, said "It is not up to me as the government's media minister to intervene in the output of public broadcasters".

She explained that any measures should be taken by the independent Media Authority. After PowNed, a second public broadcaster, VPRO, has republished the Wikileaks files. "We want to demonstrate that we are in favour of information freedom," the company said on its website. "Supplying the public with relevant information is the public broadcasters' duty. " Multiple copies of the Wikileaks files have been posted on independent servers around the world. . © Radio Netherlands Worldwide. Wikipedia Editors Delete Article Listing Wikileaks Mirror Sites.

One such listing of these sites hosted on name-in-kind service Wikipedia has been deleted by the collaborative encyclopedia's editors. Should we cry "Foul! " or is the deletion just more business as usual for the site? If you take a look at the discussion page for the deletion of the "List of WikiLeaks mirrors" page, you can see some of the views for and against its deletion. While proponents argue that the list of links should be kept until WikiLeaks finds more stable hosting, or that it offers a value outside of just listing links, most opponents cite clear WikiLeaks policy stating that "Wikipedia is not a mirror or repository of links.

" In the end, and despite all of the lofty debate, the article's removal looks like a simple matter of policy. WikiLeaks Coverage From ReadWriteWeb: We got in touch with Wikipedia's parent organization, Wikimedia, to find out what was really going on. Wikileaks Mirrors. 2010-12-23 EFF: Wikileaks Mirror Taken Down.