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Jill Magid

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Jill Magid - Video:Licensed to thrill: artist Jill Magid at Tate Modern. Article 12 TheSpyProject. Article 12 was the title of my exhibition at Stroom (The Hague, 2008) that fulfilled my commission for the Dutch Secret Service (AIVD). The AIVD has since censored and confiscated some of the works that were on view at Stroom, and later my book Becoming Tarden (Tate Modern, 2009) that I wrote about my experience working with it. I have since incorporated these confiscations as a material of the works. In 2005 the offices of the AIVD were to be relocated. Under Dutch law, a percentage of the project's total budget had to be used to commission a new artwork for the building.

Some of the work is on permanent display in the new AIVD building. Article 12 concerns the protection of personal data of those employed by the AIVD. Photos by Rob Kollaard The Kosinski Quotes 2007 | The Shepherds, bronze cast 2008. The Shepherds 2008. The Kosinski Quotes, silkscreen series of 9, 2007 Article 12 Archive #2485536/01 2005-8. Guide to Works in The Spy Piece. Kosinski Cockpit. Becoming Tarden. Imaginepower withoutsecrecy... Evidence Locker. This webpage is documentation. On , you can download One Cycle of Memory in the City of L to get daily letters and CCTV video files from Magid's Evidence Locker. In 2004, Jill spent 31 days in Liverpool, during which time she developed a close relationship with Citywatch (Merseyside Police and Liverpool City Council), whose function is citywide video surveillance- the largest system of its kind in England.

The videos in her Evidence Locker were staged and edited by the artist and filmed by the police using the public surveillance cameras in the city centre. Wearing a bright red trench coat she would call the police on duty with details of where she was and ask them to film her in particular poses, places or even guide her through the city with her eyes closed, as seen in the video Trust. Incident_Retrieved. 7:oo loop. | Final Tour. Corridor with Police Log, audio CD | Control Room projection. Reading Room | Incident_Retrieved, DVD. Privacy Zones_kitchen&bath. Jill Magil's MIT Thesis. ABSTRACT My thesis project consists of producing and wearing a system of self-surveillance that has been subversively inserted into an already existing informational and electronic system.

By bringing surveillance technology closer in and attaching it to the body, I have been able to personalize a form of technological mirroring through which subjectivity and the body are reconstructed. Inside the field of view of this reconfigured vision, the wearer/user is open to create and explore the erotic formation of fluid identities and their potential transgressive relationships. Monitoring Desire was a performance at Harvard University's Science Center that, through a guerrilla act of appropriation, captured the image on the Center's informational monitor. The act of capture was performed by two women and took place within and between the Center's first floor and lower level lobbies. Thesis Supervisor: Dennis Adams Title: Professor of Visual Arts Chapter 1.

The Role of the Camera Chapter 2. Whitney A Reasonable Man in a Box. R.S. de Boer VU A'dam. Telefoon:+31 20 59 der letteren (kunst en cultuur)Functie:PhD Candidate (Promovendus) General Office hours: Mo. -Fri. Research interests: contemporary art, international cultural policy, corporate cultural strategy, corporate cultural politics, corporate sustainability, corporate social responsibility, marketing, branding, corporate art, corporate art venues, corporate museums, video art, conceptual art Research Art-related corporate activities by European multinational companies: corporate art venues, corporate art publications, corporate commissioning of art Publications R.S. de Boer. ‘ Book review of “Contemporary Art and Its Commercial Markets A Report on Current Conditions and Future Scenarios (eds.

R.S. de Boer. R.S. de Boer. R.S. de Boer. R.S. de Boer & Stefano Mirti. ‘...les boys got leather straps les boys got SS caps...’ LCvonSukmeister. Jill Magid - Becoming Tarden. Jill Magid: Article 12. 20 april t/m 15 juni 2008 Opening: zaterdag 19 april, 17 uur Locatie: Hogewal 1-94 juni 2008, 20.30 uurLezing Jill Magid bij Stroom Den Haag Samenstelling i.s.m. Huib Haye van der Werf (adviseur Atelier Rijksbouwmeester) Begin april is de Algemene Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst (AIVD) verhuisd naar een totaal gerenoveerd pand in Zoetermeer. Deze gelegenheid grijpt de AIVD tevens aan om zich op een vernieuwende manier aan de buitenwereld te presenteren.

De Amerikaanse kunstenaar Jill Magid kreeg bij hoge uitzondering toegang tot dit gesloten bolwerk om onderzoek te doen naar 'het menselijke gezicht' van de geheime dienst. Het bracht haar in contact met afzonderlijke 'werknemers' die een wezenlijke rol spelen in de samenstelling van dat gezicht. "I was one of the specially trained groups of agents called "the hummingbirds". Jill Magid heeft de afgelopen drie jaar talloze gesprekken gevoerd met werknemers van de geheime dienst. Website Jill Magid Data (video still), 6 min. Article12' at Stroom from Jill Magid.

Tate Modern| Future Exhibitions | Level 2 Gallery: Jill Magid. American artist Jill Magid’s work is deeply ingrained in her lived experience, exploring and blurring the boundaries between art and life. Through her performance-based practice, Magid seeks intimate relations with structures of authority, the resulting narratives often taking the form of a love story. Authority to Remove, a one-off installation at Tate Modern, offers the viewer a unique opportunity to experience the final chapter of an epic tale, details of which were secured behind glass at the time of going to print. The secret itself is much more beautiful than its revelation.Jill Magid, The Report for the AIVD on the Subject of its Face Authority to Remove marks the final chapter of American artist Jill Magid’s long involvement with the Dutch secret service, the AIVD.

Through her performance-based practice, Magid has initiated intimate relations with a number of organisations and structures of authority. The brief from the AIVD was ‘find the human face of the organisation’. Authority to Remove. Jill Magid:This show is called ‘Authority to Remove’ and there are several different media and pieces in the show, but it all has to do with a story of an experience I had under commission from the Dutch Secret Service, to make an artwork for their new building.

I was very interested in understanding the secret service from the inside. I’m not really someone, an artist that goes and makes something in the studio and then imports it into the space. It’s really, for me, an opportunity to learn about a public or a government organisation and specifically I’m really interested in secret organisations, government practices, and things. I proposed that the secret service hired me as a head of service of personal data, and with that position I proposed that I would meet agents in the secret service and collect their personal information, and with that information, create an artwork for the new building.

I would get a phone call. Jill Magid archief – Het boek Becoming Tarden van de Amerikaanse kunstenaar Jill Magid baart de Nederlandse AIVD zorgen. Van het boek bestaat maar één exemplaar, en dat ligt sinds kort achter glas in Tate Modern in Londen. Het bevat gevoelige informatie over de geheime dienst en daarom wil de dienst het terug om veilig in de archieven op te bergen. Magid heeft nu de dienst per brief laten weten: kom dan maar halen. De titel van de expositie luidt dan ook Authority to Remove. Foto Jill Magid Kunst-redacteur Sandra Smallenburg legt vandaag in NRC Handelsblad uit wat er sinds 2005 is gebeurd, toen Magid was ingehuurd door de AIVD. “Magid kreeg de opdracht om de AIVD een wat „menselijker gezicht te geven”. De problemen begonnen toen Magid vorig jaar liet doorschemeren dat ze een roman over haar ervaringen aan het schrijven was. lees verder›

Evidence Locker - Story. Surveillance Shoe. Video: Licensed to thrill: artist Jill Magid at Tate Modern | Ar.