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Build a Teacher/Student Collaborative Website with Google Sites–Part 3–Docs, Files & Links. Yesterday in Part 2 of “Build a Teacher/Student Collaborative Website with Google Sites-Projects, Assignments and Calendars” we covered how to add assignments, projects and a classroom calendar to your collaborative Google classroom site.

Build a Teacher/Student Collaborative Website with Google Sites–Part 3–Docs, Files & Links

Today we will show you how to add documents, files and links to your site for easy access. There are many times that call for sharing of this type. For instance, many classroom teachers find a great resource and would like to share it with students. El uso de las TIC en el aula: por qué y para qué. Jordi Adell "El diseño de actividades didácticas con TIC" JEDI2010 Bilbao.

Building a social learning environment. Six Steps to Sharing. Motivacion. Twitter Fiction. Las redes sociales: elemento clave en el aprendizaje informal. Sweet recipe to solving problems by Adam Somlai-Fischer on Prezi. Tics. "Ticsnologias".. TICS EN la educacion. Why is the Fail Whale Smiling? Educación en línea y el rol del tutor virtual.

94 Aplicaciones Educativas 2.0. Uso educativo de la web 2.0 en Primaria.contruyendo nuestrossuenos.