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IISJ Oñati. The-supreme-court-blunder-that-liberals-tend-to-make. WASHINGTON — In the waning months of his presidency, Lyndon Johnson took a tremendous risk.


He nominated Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas, who had once been Johnson’s personal lawyer and remained a confidant, to become chief justice. During the confirmation hearing, senators asked Mr. Fortas tough questions about his relationship with the president, before ultimately defeating the nomination. By the time the fight was over, Johnson did not have time to pick a replacement, and the chance instead fell to the next president, Richard Nixon.

He made the most of it. Nixon’s selection – Warren Burger – was a strong conservative who, like his successor, William Rehnquist, left the bench under a Republican president. Photo With President Obama entering the final years of his presidency and Senate control up for grabs this year, Supreme Court transitions have again become a salient subject. Continue reading the main story William Rehnquist John Harlan Warren Burger Lewis Powell Potter Stewart Tom Clark. The Bike-Helmet Law That Helped Trigger an Insurgency in Nigeria - Uri Friedman. Nigerian security forces burn motorcycles at the demolished home of Boko Haram founder Mohammed Yusuf in the northern city of Maiduguri, on August 3, 2009.

The Bike-Helmet Law That Helped Trigger an Insurgency in Nigeria - Uri Friedman

Yusuf was killed in police custody five days earlier. (Reuters/The Atlantic) They came on motorbikes. It seemed like a throwaway line in an Amnesty International report on Boko Haram's recent kidnapping of more than 200 schoolgirls in northeast Nigeria. One evening in mid-April, the NGO noted, a phalanx of shadowy, armed men on motorbikes arrived in the village of Gagilam, announcing their intention to target a girls' school in nearby Chibok. But it wasn't just another detail in the investigation. It's a largely forgotten episode: In January 2009, the Nigerian government began enforcing a law mandating that motorbike drivers and passengers—most controversially, operators of the country's freewheeling, ubiquitous motorcycle taxis—wear helmets.

But the government's bike-helmet drive soon took a far darker turn. When I asked J. Why Don't You Try This?: Man Who Got Ticketed For Not Riding In Bike Lane, Films Himself Smashing Into Things In Bike Lanes. Oñati Socio-Legal Series. Date Posted: January 31, 2014 Accepted Paper Series34 downloads Depoliticization and Criminalization of Social Protest through Economic Decisionism: The Colombian CaseOñati Socio-Legal Series, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2014,Carolina Olarte Universidad del Rosario Date Posted: January 31, 2014 Accepted Paper Series26 downloads La Aplicación del Derecho Penal Común y Antiterrorista como Respuesta a la Protesta Social de Indígenas Mapuche Durante el Periodo 2000-2010 (The Implementation of Ordinary and Anti Terror Criminal Law in Response to the Social Protest by the Indigenous Mapuche People from 2000 to 2010)Oñati Socio-Legal Series, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2014,Eduardo Mella Seguel Centro de Investigación y Defensa SUR Date Posted: January 31, 2014 Accepted Paper Series77 downloads The Criminalization of Socio-Environmental Struggles in Puerto RicoOñati Socio-Legal Series, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2014,José M.

Oñati Socio-Legal Series

Whose Nature? Whose Rights? Are Women Empowered to Save? Om het recht te verbeteren moet je burgers vragen waar zij rechtvaardigheid missen. De kwaliteit van het recht wordt niet alleen bepaald door wetten en rechtspraak, maar ook door de informele manieren waarop burgers hun conflicten oplossen.

Om het recht te verbeteren moet je burgers vragen waar zij rechtvaardigheid missen

Daarom is het belangrijk de dagelijkse rechtsbehoeften van burgers te kennen. Dit is het idee achter het Justice Needs and Satisfaction Tool. De onderzoeken worden uitgevoerd door HiiL, mede op verzoek van het Nederlandse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. HiiL is een internationaal instituut dat vernieuwing van het recht als doel heeft. Deze onderzoeksinstelling, gevestigd in Den Haag, is de ontwerper van het Justice Needs and Satisfaction Tool. Had u een probleem en hoe hebt u dat opgelost? Daarom, zo concludeert HiiL: om de kwaliteit van het recht te verbeteren, moet je burgers vragen naar hun rechtsbehoeften (‘justice needs’) en of die bevredigd worden. Gramatikov: ‘We zoeken dus naar de ervaren rechtvaardigheid. Judge Refuses To Postpone Hearing Because Maternity Leave Isn’t A Good Enough Excuse. Sexism is pervasive in the legal profession, and it’s highly unusual if a week passes and there isn’t something to decry about the way women are treated by their male colleagues.

Judge Refuses To Postpone Hearing Because Maternity Leave Isn’t A Good Enough Excuse

From pay inequities and being passed up for partnership to constant lectures about the way they ought to dress, act, and speak, women lawyers have been given the short end of the stick in what was once considered a noble calling. Worse yet, when it comes to achieving any sense of work/life balance, each action a woman lawyer takes is scrutinized with intensity — there are always questions raised as to her true dedication to her work. Should a woman lawyer be so bold as to become pregnant and then take maternity leave, then all bets are off. Colleagues will sigh with exasperation and fault their pregnant coworker for putting more work on their shoulders while the lawyer with child goes off to enjoy her “vacation” from the job. Last week, Georgia lawyer Stacy M.

Motion for Continuance Due to Maternity Leave.