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Handling select box (drop-down list) in a PHP form. This tutorial will show you how to add select boxes and multi-select boxes to a form, how to retrieve the input data from them, how to validate the data, and how to take different actions depending on the input.

Handling select box (drop-down list) in a PHP form

Select box Let’s look at a new input: a “select” box, also known as a “drop-down” or “pull-down” box. A select box contains one or more “options”. Each option has a “value”, just like other inputs, and also a string of text between the option tags. This means when a user selects “Male”, the “formGender” value when accessed by PHP will be “M”. The selected value from this input was can be read with the standard $_POST array just like a text input and validated to make sure the user selected Male or Female. It’s always a good idea to have a “blank” option as the first option in your select box. How to Choose Colours Procedurally (Algorithms) » Changing the colours of art can be a great way to increase the amount of content in your game, and add variety and richness.

How to Choose Colours Procedurally (Algorithms) »

It is relatively easy to implement. What is not always as easy is to get a set of colours that looks nice. This article gives some ideas for choosing colour palettes that look nice. A few things about colour Colour is surprisingly complex. Although you don’t need to know all about the physics, biology, and psychology of colour vision, it is useful to have some background information (which you can find references to at the end of this article). For palette choosing, there are a few important points. Digital colour theory differs considerably from theories based on pigments (or chemicals, or metals in crystals). Vector distances in RGB and many other colour models don’t correspond to differences in perception.

Edit: Turns out I have fallen prey to the very thing I talk about. 13 JavaScript Performance Tips » Jon Fox. JQuery for Beginners. Download source - 858 KB Introduction jQuery is a JavaScript library which has a wide range of actions such as event handling, animation, HTML document traversing, and AJAX interaction for web development. jQuery simplifies JavaScript programming.

JQuery for Beginners

$(document).ready Method The document ready event executes already when the HTML-Document is loaded and the DOM is ready, even if all the graphics are not loaded yet. $(document).ready(function() { alert("document is ready"); }); Selectors jQuery provides a simple way to select single element or group of elements. Sliding Effect jQuery provides three methods to show or hide elements in sliding behavior. SlideDown(speed, callback): This method gradually increases the height of the elements, from hidden to visible. All three methods has "Speed" and "callback" parameters. Slow normal fast milliseconds, e.g., 100, 500, 1000, etc. The callback parameter is the name of a function that executes after the function completes. Sliding Example.

Preparing Yourself for Modern JavaScript Development. There is a lot going on in the JavaScript world these days, both in and out of the browser.

Preparing Yourself for Modern JavaScript Development

Talk about script loaders, client side MVC frameworks, minifiers, AMD, Common.js, Coffeescript, can quickly get your head spinning. And for those people who are completely immersed in that world, it can be easy to forget that the vast majority of JavaScript developers today haven’t heard of any of these tools, and in fact, they likely aren’t even equipped to try these tools. This post is going to be an attempt to simply address some of the low hanging fruit out there, and try to bring together a few different concepts that a developer should understand before they go out and try to tackle something like Backbone.js or Ember.js.

Once you understand most of the concepts in this post, then you can go out and approach more advanced JavaScript topics with a bit of confidence. Modules. 2008 - A Year of Awesome JavaScript. Games It's been a great year for JavaScript games.

2008 - A Year of Awesome JavaScript

It looks like DHTML and canvas-based games are now capable of taking over some of the areas where Flash used to dominate. Many people have been building remakes of classic video games like Super Mario, Pac-Man, Breakout, Space Invaders, Bomberman or T&C Surf Designs. Others took the old arcade traditions and applied them to their own ideas, giving us cool games like Matt Hackett's Spacius, Mark Wilcox's Invaders from Mars, VertigoProject's RedLine Racing or a twist on the classic Tetris game. We've even seen some roleplaying games, like the very cool Tombs of Asciiroth or the more graphical CanvasQuest by Andrew Wooldridge and the Prototype based ProtoRPG by Pierre Chassaing. 2008 also saw a few libraries for JavaScript / DHTML game development pop up, most notably GameJS (pictured to the left with its demo game, Jetris) and GameQuery, the latter being an extension to the popular jQuery library.

Demos Emulation Graphics Audio Odds and ends. oCanvas - Object-based canvas drawing.