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Personal Kanban Tools

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Personal Kanban Rides A Mind Map To Portability. First a disclaimer: I am not a kanban expert.

Personal Kanban Rides A Mind Map To Portability

I discovered kanban through a book earlier this year. Personal Kanban: Mapping Work | Navigating Life by Jim Benson and Tonianne DeMaria Barry. This blog about personal kanban is “my” interpretation of using the technique and facilitating a portable version of it (mechanically) via a mind map. Personal Kanban (PK), or Kanban in general, came out of the “lean” management movement.

It’s a flexible way of managing your work (discrete tasks) to help you work better. KanbanFlow. Scrum & Kanban Agile Development Tool. Kanban Tool: Swift-Kanban. Kanbanpm. Lean project management based on kanban. LeanKit Kanban - Lean Process Management. Kanbanpad - Homepage. Free Kanban Tool. Online Stickies - lino.