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JavaScript Examples. 20 JavaScript Frameworks Worth Checking Out. The number of web applications being created and used has grown rapidly since the new millenium. And importantly, so has the sheer complexity of them -- specially on the front end. No more static pages, no sir! You have a ton of sections each interacting with each other and the server and yes, it's as complicated as it sounds and just as hard to pull off. Today, I'd like to talk about a few choice JavaScript frameworks that aim to simplify front-end application development. If you think jQuery is the answer, you lose a cookie and get an F grade! Creating responsive, fluid, and maintainable interfaces for web apps isn't as easy as one would imagine -- there is data to be sent back to the server and the results parsed, data stores to be updated, views to be re-rendered and so much else that needs to be done in the background.

Sure, a few of these may be a little old but their code bases have lots of lessons to teach. Related links: Introduction to Sammy.js Github Repo Google Code. Treesaver.js.


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