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"The Help" by Kathryn Stockett: An In-Depth Review. Author Kathryn Stockett, the author of “The Help,” is an American writer known for her impactful storytelling. Born in Jackson, Mississippi, in 1969, Stockett draws from her Southern roots and experiences to craft narratives that shed light on complex social issues. Her debut novel, “The Help,” published in 2009, became a bestseller and a cultural phenomenon. The book addresses racial inequality and discrimination in the Deep South during the 1960s through the voices of black maids and a young white writer.

Book Summary “The Help” unfolds in Jackson, Mississippi, commencing in August 1962, with three main narrators: Aibileen, Minny, and Skeeter. Aibileen, a black woman, works for the white Leefolt family, primarily caring for their two-year-old daughter, Mae Mobley, whom she considers her “special baby.” At the Leefolts’ home, Aibileen observes a bridge game involving Hilly Holbrook, Skeeter, and Elizabeth Leefolt’s best friends. Character List Aibileen Clark: Minny Jackson: Hilly Holbrook: