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Education Genius Introduction: Poetry Genius. Technology In Education: A Brief Introduction. Gapminder: Unveiling the beauty of statistics for a fact based world view. XMind: The Most Professional Mind Map Software. Over JCI Vlaanderen | JCI Vlaanderen.

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​Four Skills That Will Turn You Into a Spreadsheet Ninja. Edutopia. TED. The Impact of Video in Education Infographic. Educational Technology Infographics The Impact of Video in Education Infographic presents how to strategically adopt video technologies into teaching and learning, and how to best guide students in the development of 21st century skills to prepare them for their role as global citizens. It is a perfect moment for educators everywhere to re-assess their use of video and to make the key decisions about how best to incorporate it into their students’ learning experience. The Impact of Video In Education You may also find valuable the following resources: Via: Embed This Education Infographic on your Site or Blog!

Do Video Lessons Reinforce Learning, or Just Reinforce Pre-existing Incorrect Understanding? Have you ever shown a video to a classroom of students and heard one or more of them say, “I already know this stuff”? While the video plays, these students are likely to daydream, surf their phones, doodle, or otherwise fail to pay attention and learn. Worse yet, if they have a certain perception of how something works and this is corrected in the video, not only are they not too likely to pick up on it, but they may actually come away from the experience thinking their perception was validated.

The same thing can happen when they watch videos on their own as part of assigned work outside of class. While preparing the first “Premium Members’ Video Round Up” (more on that below), one of the videos I selected offered powerful insights into who students learn, or don’t really learn, when watching some videos. I was fascinated by this, and I’ll bet many readers may be as well. About Kelly Walsh Print This Post. Khan Academy. Educational Technology Network.

Slide Design for Developers. So I gave this talk called How GitHub Uses GitHub to Build GitHub. Someone submitted my slides to Hacker News, where it stayed at #1 for most of the day. This was pretty strange to me at first. My slides are not designed for people who didn't see the talk in person. They're designed to support my words, not some online audience. What's more, many commented that they found the design of the slides to be noteworthy. I'm expressly not a designer. Working on your slide design pays off for the audience in front of you and for the audience online reading your slides later. Colors Color is the very first thing people will notice.

Head to a color site like Colour Lovers and find a palette you like. Size Make your text huge. Most of my text in my entire deck is at least 90pt. For the curious, I use Yanone Kaffeesatz as the typeface for both my slide deck and the headings on my blog. Words as Shapes I took one design class in college. Slides give you the same opportunity. Repetition Worry about it.