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Maurice Giro

Professional Divorce & Family Attorneys In New Jersey. Our attorneys have helped countless clients to get through the toughest and lengthiest of unruly divorce cases. Call us now at (201) 690-1642.

Can I Sue a Nursing Home for Giving My Loved One COVID-19? When Should You Start Estate Planning? Five Common Issues With Inheritance and Wills in New Jersey. Custody Rights During a Divorce. Will the Coronavirus Affect Your Divorce. How Assets and Debts are Divided During Divorce. Equitable division of property in divorce. Special Needs Trust. The Family Medical Leave Act. Common Disputes Leading to Estate Litigation. Benefits of a Revocable Living Trust. Dividing a Medical Practice During Divorce.

Elder Law Attorney Bergen County New Jersey. Common Financial Scams Against the Elderly. What Does the Guardian of an Aging Adult do? Options for Protecting Assets Later in Life. Why are High Net Worth Divorces so Tricky? Why a Special Needs Trust is Important. How to Prepare for the New School Year as a Co-Parent. How an Estate Attorney can Help With Veteran Aid. Tips for Enforcing Child Support in New Jersey. Top Six Medicaid Application Mistakes. Reasons You Should Sign a Prenuptial Agreement. Common Mistakes to Avoid When Estate Planning in New Jersey. How can I Tell if Divorce is in My Future?

Ask an Estate Planning Attorney in Bergen County, NJ: Estate Administration and Probate Mid-Year Update. Tips for Discussing Your Will and Estate Planning With Adult Children. What are Some Smart Uses for Spousal Support? Ask Lawyers in Hackensack, NJ: The False Mindset of a Do-Over Divorce. Lawyers for Hackensack, Hackensack, New Jersey High Net Worth Divorce Cases. How is Child Support Determined in New Jersey? Ask an Elder Care Attorney New Jersey: Medicare for All or Medicare at 50? Proposals to Expand Medicare and Medicaid, Part III. Ask a Family Law Lawyer in Bergen County, NJ: “Now That I am 18, Where do I Get Vaccinated?” Ask a Family Law Lawyer in Bergen County: How to Choose the Right Guardian?

Ask an Elder Care Attorney New Jersey: Medicare for All or Medicare at 50? Proposals to Expand Medicare and Medicaid. Ask a Family Law Lawyer in Hackensack, New Jersey: Can One Lawyer Represent Both Parties in a Divorce? Ask the Estate Planning Attorneys in Paramus, New Jersey: Will Medicare Pay for the Cost of Nursing Home Care? Ask the Estate Planning Attorney Bergen County, NJ: The Tax Cut and Jobs Act and My Estate Plan, Part II. Ask the Estate Planning Attorney Bergen County, NJ: The Tax Cut and Jobs Act and My Estate Plan, Part I. Ask a Child Custody Lawyer in NJ: The Tax Cut and Jobs Act and My Divorce Settlement, Part II. Ask a Child Custody Lawyer in NJ: The Tax Cut and Jobs Act and My Divorce Settlement, Part I. Ask a Divorce Attorney in Hackensack, NJ: Who Gets the Dog? Ask a Father’s Rights Attorney in NJ About Parental Alienation, Part III.

Ask a Father’s Rights Lawyer in NJ About Parental Alienation, Part II. Ask a Father’s Rights Laywer in NJ About Parental Alienation, Part I. Ask Lawyers in Hackensack, NJ: Where do You Probate a Will in New Jersey? A Family Law Attorney Newark Guide to Family Law: Thinking About Adoption in New Jersey. An Elder Care Attorney in Newark’s Guide to Elder and Estate Planning: Dying Without a Will. An Elder Care Attorney’s Guide to Elder and Estate Planning: Using an Annuity to Help the Spouse of a Medicaid Applicant. Avoiding Divorce Lawyers: The Rise of the Prenup. Why You Need to Hire a Special Needs Lawyer in NJ When Creating a Special Needs Trust.

Medicaid Planning for Single or Widowed People. New Jersey Wills and Probate Lawyers in Hackensack, New Jersey. Contesting a Will When individuals contest a will, more often than not, they believe the will does not reflect the actual intent of their deceased loved one.

New Jersey Wills and Probate Lawyers in Hackensack, New Jersey

The party who made the will is called a testator. The party who receives property or a gift through a will is called a beneficiary. A will may be challenged by a beneficiary in its entirety or in part. Wills in New Jersey The New Jersey State Legislature and the New Jersey Probate Courts are motivated by a strong principal that the final wishes of a deceased person should be honored without compelling evidence to the contrary. For purposes of interpretation of the testator’s intent, New Jersey Probate Courts can only rely on the contents of the will to ensure that the testator’s final wishes are executed.

Medicaid Applications Lawyers in New Jersey – Elder Care Attorney NJ, Medicaid lawyer NJ. Medicaid Applications Lawyers in New Jersey The costs of long-term nursing care in the US are high and can quickly exhaust a person’s financial resources, especially as Americans are living longer.

Medicaid Applications Lawyers in New Jersey – Elder Care Attorney NJ, Medicaid lawyer NJ

The burden on a spouse and family members may be excessive as they delve into their own savings to care for a loved one who requires care for cognitive or chronic disorders. You may feel as if you have no choice but to contribute personal funds, since Medicare and health insurance plans generally do not cover assisted living and similar residential arrangements. You do have other options under the law, and the lawyers at Giro Attorneys at Law, LLC can tell you more about applying for Medicaid as an alternative for funding a loved one’s care. Our attorneys have amassed considerable experience in Medicaid applications in the decades that we have been serving clients in Bergen County, NJ and throughout the surrounding area.

New Jersey Guardianship Attorneys – Elder Care Attorney NJ, Medicaid lawyer NJ. New Jersey Guardianship Attorneys Whether you are caring for a disabled adult or an elderly family member is starting to show signs of decline, you may need to address guardianship issues in New Jersey.

New Jersey Guardianship Attorneys – Elder Care Attorney NJ, Medicaid lawyer NJ

The process of obtaining legal guardianship is complex, but there are other circumstances that make your situation challenging. You may be facing difficult emotions regarding your loved one, and other family members may present hurdles during the proceedings. At Giro Attorneys at Law, LLC, our lawyers are here to help you with all aspects of guardianship cases. We have been assisting clients in Bergen County, NJ and throughout the surrounding area for decades, so we have cultivated extensive experience in guardianship matters. Assisting Clients Throughout the Guardianship Process When an individual becomes incapacitated and cannot make responsible decisions regarding his or her safety and welfare, establishing guardianship is often an appropriate solution.

New Jersey Attorneys for Grandparents’ Rights Cases – Elder Care Attorney NJ, Medicaid lawyer NJ. New Jersey Attorneys for Grandparents’ Rights Cases Children benefit from having a healthy relationship with their grandparents and you, as a grandparent, no doubt delight in being part of your grandchildren’s lives.

New Jersey Attorneys for Grandparents’ Rights Cases – Elder Care Attorney NJ, Medicaid lawyer NJ

When unfortunate circumstances make it difficult or impossible to spend time with your grandchildren, you do have grandparents’ rights under New Jersey law. However, the statutes are complex, and emotional factors can create hurdles if it becomes necessary to take legal action to enforce your rights. Lawyers for New Jersey High Net Worth Divorce Cases – Elder Care Attorney NJ, Medicaid lawyer NJ. Lawyers for New Jersey High Net Worth Divorce Cases Ending your marriage is already a difficult, emotionally charged process, but it can be even more complicated in the case of a high net worth divorce.

Lawyers for New Jersey High Net Worth Divorce Cases – Elder Care Attorney NJ, Medicaid lawyer NJ

When you and your spouse have accumulated considerable assets in both real estate and personal property, it can be challenging to work out a fair asset division as required by New Jersey divorce laws. Plus, there are complex legal rules regarding spousal support, otherwise known as alimony. Unless you have a knowledgeable, skilled attorney on your side, you put your legal rights at risk. Advocates for Fathers’ Rights in New Jersey – Elder Care Attorney NJ, Medicaid lawyer NJ.

Advoca tes for Fathers’ Rights in New Jersey Long gone are the days when a father attempts to shirk responsibility for a child born out of wedlock, as many fathers today welcome the opportunity to be a part of their child’s life.

Advocates for Fathers’ Rights in New Jersey – Elder Care Attorney NJ, Medicaid lawyer NJ

They want to have a say in important decisions regarding child-rearing, spend time with their offspring, and are willing to provide the necessary financial support. Learning How to Spot Child Abuse and Neglect in New Jersey – Elder Care Attorney NJ, Medicaid lawyer NJ. Learning How to Spot Child Abuse and Neglect in New Jersey Annually, 3 million children experience some form ofchild abuse and neglect in the United States.

Learning How to Spot Child Abuse and Neglect in New Jersey – Elder Care Attorney NJ, Medicaid lawyer NJ

The subject is disturbing. Understanding what child abuse and neglect is and what can be done to create a safe space for a child is a good place to start. The World Health Organization identifies four main types of child abuse or maltreatment. They are physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional and psychological abuse, and neglect. Child Neglect Upfront A Staten Island mother was accused of leaving pain medication unattended. The baby overdosed on the mother’s pain medication. The mother was arrested a year after the baby died and charged with manslaughter, criminal negligent homicide, two counts of endangering the welfare of a child, and reckless endangerment. The agency in New York City charged with investigating incidences of child abuse and neglect is called the Administration for Children’s Services, or ACS for short.

New Jersey Trust Creation Attorneys – Elder Care Attorney NJ, Medicaid lawyer NJ. Creating a trust can offer multiple benefits within a well-developed, effective estate planning strategy, though many people assume this structure is only for the wealthy.

New Jersey Trust Creation Attorneys – Elder Care Attorney NJ, Medicaid lawyer NJ

There is also a common misconception that a trust only offers advantages upon your passing. The truth is that trusts are useful for estates of all sizes, and they can deliver considerable protections during your lifetime. The key to successful trust creation in New Jersey is retaining knowledgeable, skilled legal advocates to meticulously review your circumstances and explain your options. At Giro Attorneys at Law, LLC, our lawyers take a customized approach that starts with assessing your needs and those of your loved ones.

We can develop a comprehensive estate plan, including a trust, that takes advantage of all available legal benefits. New Spin on Physical Custody: Birdnesting Custody Agreements. New Spin on Physical Custody: Birdnesting Custody Agreements Almost always, when a child custody or parenting plan is developed, the arrangements are made to suit one of the parents.

New Spin on Physical Custody: Birdnesting Custody Agreements

Even in situations in which parents share legal custody of the child equally, one parent has primary physical custody of the child while the other parent has visitation rights or parenting time with the child. Alternative arrangements, like birdnesting custody agreements, are emerging that place the child at the center of the physical custody plan. The parents come and go instead of the children. New Jersey Asset Protection Planning Lawyer - Elder Care Attorney NJ, Elder Care Lawyers in NJ, Estate Planning Attorney New Jersey. Timing and compliance with legal requirements are everything when you seek to protect your assets against circumstances involving lawsuits, creditors, divorce, and judgments.

New Jersey Asset Protection Planning Lawyer - Elder Care Attorney NJ, Elder Care Lawyers in NJ, Estate Planning Attorney New Jersey

There is a wide range of techniques one can employ with asset protection planning, but the list of tactics that may apply to your specific situation is probably quite short. Plus, you need to make absolutely sure to steer clear of any issues that could amount to fraud or criminal contempt. Can My Child Legally Change His or Her Name? - Marcus Reid. Can My Child Legally Change His or Her Name? There are many reasons a minor may want to legally change his or her name. Not liking your name is just as valid a reason for a name change petition as is changing your name to reflect a transgender name assignment.

Ronan Farrow, the son of Mia Farrow and Woody Allen, famously rejected his parents’ assignment of Satchel as his name.Many parents often change a minor’s surname following a divorce, marriage, or later re-marriage to reflect a common family last name. Guardianships for Children of Deported Parents - Elder Law, Family Law, and Estate Planning in New Jersey - Quora. Guardianships for Children of Deported Parents Weekly, the news is flooded with reports of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids of undocumented adults with minor children, often U.S. born. While the detentions and arrests target individuals with removal or deportation orders, individuals with pending criminal charges, immigration fugitives, or those who re-enter the U.S. after deportation have also been picked-up in the dragnet raids.

My Parents Have Been Deported, Now What? What is the Difference Between Elder Fraud and Elder Financial Abuse? The financial victimization of people, especially the older population, is a tale as old as time. When the elderly become the target of financial exploitation schemes, two practices emerge as the leading ways the elderly get caught up in such schemes - elder fraud and elder financial abuse. At the crux of the two is the identity of the perpetrator. Elder financial abuse is often committed by people in positions of trust. Elder fraud is committed by predatory strangers. Majority of Fraud and Financial Exploitation Victims Performed Poorly on Cognitive Functioning and Financial Decision Making According to the National AdultProtective Services Association (NAPSA), most fraud victims do not have trusted family or friends assisting them with their financial decisions when they become the targets of the elder financial abuse or elder fraud perpetrators.

Can My Child Legally Change His or Her Name? There are many reasons a minor may want to legally change his or her name. Not liking your name is just as valid a reason for a name change petition as is changing your name to reflect a transgender name assignment. Ronan Farrow, the son of Mia Farrow and Woody Allen, famously rejected his parents’ assignment of Satchel as his name. Many parents often change a minor’s surname following a divorce, marriage, or later re-marriage to reflect a common family last name. A child born out of wedlock may have his or her mother’s surname and after paternity is acknowledged may now reflect the surname of the minor’s father. Guardianships for Children of Deported Parents.

Weekly, the news is flooded with reports of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids of undocumented adults with minor children, often U.S. born. While the detentions and arrests target individuals with removal or deportation orders, individuals with pending criminal charges, immigration fugitives, or those who re-enter the U.S. after deportation have also been picked-up in the dragnet raids. My Parents Have Been Deported, Now What? Undocumented parents of minor children are urged to plan for the custody and care of their minor children in the event they are picked up in a raid or arrested because of immigration problems. According to the Migration Policy Institute, almost 5 million minors under the age of 18 live with at least one parent with no immigration status to live or work in the U.S.