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天元围棋 在线直播- 囲碁・将棋チャンネルホームページ. --- 바둑TV --- Welcome to the Frontpage. Go go gadgéto moyo. The Game of Go / Baduk / Weiqi. La Voie du Go : jeu de Go, stratégie et pensée asiatique. Variations on Go. Ritchie press. - Bienvenue. Exercices interactifs pour apprendre le jeu de go. Ces pages s'inspirent de celles réalisées par Hiroki Mori. N'hésitez pas à visiter son site ! Introduction Voici une liste d'exercices grâce auxquels vous pourrez apprendre facilement le jeu de go sans explications compliquées.

Vous apprendrez en jouant réellement. Amusez-vous bien ! Dans un premier temps, ne retenez que ceci : Deux joueurs (l'un étant Noir, et l'autre Blanc) placent à tour de rôle une pierre de leur couleur sur la grille.Les pierres sont placées sur les intersections des lignes de la grille.Des pierres peuvent être retirées, mais elles ne peuvent pas être déplacées. Règles de base Comment capturer ? Manières de capturer Déroulement d'une partie Début de partie : coin, bord, centre (1) (2)Exercices 36 kyu : milieu de partie (1) (2)Fin de partie : décompte des points (1) (2)Les sauts (1) (2)Exercices 35 kyu : bientôt la fin (1) (2)Et maintenant ? Jasiek's Go (Weiqi, Baduk) Homepage. Les liens de Dariush. The Game of Go / Baduk / Weiqi. Game of Go / Baduk / Weiqi General MainWhat is Go?

BlogPlay Atari-Go Study First stepsHow to improveLessonsCommented gamesPro gamesPro tournamentsAbout professionalsAbout insei Resources ArticlesSoftwareBooksVideoGo ShopHikaru-no-Go Misc Search Go websitesAboutCopyrightContact Links weiqiok.comGo Game Guru Go lessons index by Sorin Gherman These are mostly lessons I learned from my own games - for instance when I had an "Aha! " 23. 22. 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Other Go lessons Here are links to other Go lessons that I found online and liked: A series of "baduk" lessons from "The Korea Times" - also published as a book: Baduk, Made Fun and EasyThe Magic of Go - a series of essays and lessons by Rob van Zeijst, a very strong amateur player currently living in Japan. Search this site: Chinese Go Terms. > Home > My Weiqi Pages > Chinese Go Terms The Chinese Go Terms list here is very much outdated.

Until I get to update this list, please refer to the most updated list at Sensei's Library. The original list is taken from the Chinese Go Terms page in Sensei's Library, which was partially my contribution and contained no Chinese characters. I have since added the Chinese characters and expanded the list. Where possible, I have used English translations in preference over Japanese style translations. However, there are instances where I used the Japanese style translations instead, when there are no good English equivalents or when the Japanese style translations are extremely popular. Also, this list is not meant to be a comprehensive Chinese-English dictionary. The romanization given in this Chinese Go Terms list is in Hanyu Pinyin.

This document is published under the OpenContent License. If you find any errors, or have any comments, please feel free to email me. How To Play Go Baduk Weiqi and Igo. Much like chess, Go is a two player game with a special board and set of playing pieces. The Board The board consists of a grid of lines, whose size is specified by counting the number of intersections, including the ones on the edges. Commonly used sizes are 9x9, 13x13, and 19x19. The standard board size is 19x19. However, players start out playing on 9x9 because a 19x19 is too much to think about when you're still struggling with the rules.

The Stones In Go, each player receives a set of stones. All of the stones are identical, except for the difference in color between two sets of stones. Placing the Stones on the Board As you may have guessed from the way that the board sizes are indicated, the stones are placed on the intersections of the lines, not in the squares. While this seems odd from the occidental point of view (chess, checkers, etc), another oriental board game, Chinese chess, also places it's pieces on the intersections of the lines.