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Giovanna Michelotto

URBANAG. Dez documentários que irão mudar suas ideias sobre alimentação. Eles debatem obesidade, uso descontrolado de agrotóxicos, crueldade com animais. E propõem encarar boa comida como parte essencial da cultura humana Por Constantino Oliveira, no Obvious Acredito que o ser humano se condiciona a determinados hábitos para facilitar a sua vida diária na sociedade. Criamos rotinas, processos e conceitos sociais para vivermos de forma harmoniosa entre nossos pares e para usufruir de um convívio pacífico e prazeroso.

Muito do que fazemos são heranças atávicas de como os nossos pais nos criaram e dos valores que nos foram passados durante a nossa infância. E essa cultura e seus valores estão impregnados no nosso inconsciente, fazendo com que nos comportemos de uma ou de outra maneira. Assim, a nossa relação com a comida é também exercida, na sua maior parte, de maneira inconsciente. A comida também serve como um refúgio psicológico contra o estresse. Abaixo, segue a relação dos dez documentários que achei mais interessantes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Food waste, overeating threaten global security - World.

Everyone knows that we eat too much — we're bombarded with warnings about the obesity epidemic every day. But all those extra calories are not only a threat to our waistlines; they're a threat to global security as well. Everything that well-off people in the developed world eat — or even worse, throw away — is food that isn't feeding the impoverished and hungry of the developing world. Pope Francis has equated food waste with "stealing from the table of the poor and the hungry.

" Coming up Nov. 24 on CBC radio's The Sunday Edition, starting at 9 a.m. Eastern: Les Petits Frères: Montreal organization seeks out lonely seniors, pairs them with younger friends. In 2011, 1.3 billion tonnes of food, or about one third of all the food produced globally, was lost or wasted annually, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN. “Some of the food is lost during the production stage to pests, some is lost during harvesting, some is lost during processing, some is lost in storage.

Parliament vote: poor deal for nature, farming & rural Europe : Agricultural and Rural Convention. Posted by ARC on Thursday, November 21, 2013 · Leave a Comment (Brussels, 21/11/2013) The European Parliament held its final vote yesterday,Wednesday 20th November, on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). In voting as it did, Parliament has intensified the failure to deliver what was supposed to be a fairer, simpler and greener agriculture policy for Europe. photo: WikiCommons ”Business as usual has prevailed at 90%” said Benedikt Haerlin of NGO platform ARC2020.EU and Meine Landwirtschaft. “Unfortunately the role of the European Parliament had been to substantially cut back on the initial progress towards sustainability proposed by the European Commission.

Importantly, all amendments, some of which could have improved the proposals, were dropped and not voted on. Five legislative acts were voted on, and with partial exception of the rural development vote, and the procedural transitional rules vote, business as usual rather than genuine reform was supported each time. How to Feed the World. ETH Zurich - Homepage. Synergies Suisse. Commerce équitable. Table des matières «Donnez un poisson à une personne et elle mangera aujourd’hui, apprenez-lui à pêcher et elle mangera toute sa vie.» I. Introduction et problématique Suite à de nombreuses demandes de délégués de pays en développement concernant les possibilités offertes par le Commerce équitable, nous avons rédigé ce petit guide d'information.

Nous espérons qu'il vous donnera un bon aperçu des différents acteurs du commerce équitable, et qu'il vous sera utile. Le principe du commerce équitable est d’aider les producteurs des pays en développement à se développer de façon durable: en leur garantissant un revenu suffisant pour répondre aux besoins fondamentaux de leur famille (santé, éducation, logement...) et investir dans le développement de leur communauté.

II. Principes de base du Commerce équitable: Créer une relation directe entre producteurs et consommateurs, en limitant le plus possible le nombre d’intermédiaires. III. A. B. Les principaux organismes de labellisation C. D. JOBS.